11th Eng Core. Revision Test - Questions Paper Mid Term Sep. 2024-25



ENGLISH - XI                  Set-1

 MM: 80 


Time Allotted : 3 hours                        

General Instructions: 

1)Attempt all the questions 

2)Read the  questions carefully and put correct question number 

3)There are Three sections in the questions paper 

4)Each section is divided into A,B,C,



1. Read the following text.(10)

1. This is the largest Malay house on the peninsula. It is built of wood painted green and white, with bold floral designs on a white background around some of the circular windows and a very large porch for followers to wait in, up a ladder of course.               2. Really the upper class of Malay houses show some very good work. The thatch of the steep roof is beautifully put on and between the sides of finely woven checked matting interspersed with lattice work and bamboo work, the shady inner rooms with their carved doorways and portieres of red silk,the pillows and cushions of gold embroidery laid over the exquisitely fine matting on the floors, the light from the half-shaded windows glancing here and there as the breeze sways the screens, there is an indescribable appropriateness to the region.                                              

3. I waited for the elephant in a rambling empty house and Malays brought pierced coconuts, buffalo milk and a great bouquet of lotus blossoms and seed-vessels, out of which they took the seeds and presented them on the grand lotus leaf itself. Each seed is in appearance and taste like a hazel-nut, but in the centre, in an oval slit, the future lotus plant is folded up, the one vivid green seed leaf being folded over a shoot and this is intensely bitter.

4. The elephant at last came up and was brought below the porch of the house. They are truly ugly beasts,with their grey wrinkled, hairless hides, the huge ragged ‘flappers’which cover their ears and with which they fan themselves ceaselessly, the small mean eyes, the hideous trunk which coils itself snakishly round everything, the formless legs, the piggish back, with the steep slope down to the mean, bare tail, features so unlike any other familiar and friendly beast.

5. Before I came out from England, I dreamt of howdahs and cloth-of-gold trappings, but my elephant had neither. In fact there was nothing grand about him but his ugliness. I dropped into one of two baskets on either side of his back from the porch, a young Malay lad dropped into the other and my bag was tied on behind with more ropes.

6. My ride was not comfortable. One sits facing forwards with the feet dangling over the edge of the basket. This edge soon produces a sharp ache or cramp and, when one tries to get relief by leaning back on anything, the awkward rolling position is so painful that one reverts to the former position till it again becomes intolerable After we had travelled two hours, the baskets slipped down very dangerously and needed adjustment. We were forced to dismount while the pack was adjusted. Then, while the elephant was still sitting, the driver jumped on the elephant’s back and giving me his hands hauled me up over the head, after which the creature rose gently from the ground and we went on our journey.                                              

8. Soon the driver abandoned the elephant for a gossip and a smoke, leaving the animal to go its own way for a mile or more. The elephant turned into the jungle, where he began to rend and tear the trees and going to a mud-hole, he drew what water there was out of it and squirted it with a loud noise over himself and his riders, soaking my clothes with it. When he turned back to the road again, he several times stopped and seemed to stand on his head by stiffening his trunk and leaning upon it and when I hit him with my umbrella he uttered the loudest roar I ever heard. My Malay fellow-rider jumped off and ran’ back for the driver, at which the baskets both came down on my side of the elephant.                                                   9. On the driver’s return I had to dismount again and this time the elephant was allowed to go and take a proper bath in a river. He threw large quantities of clear water over himself and took up plenty more with which to cool his sides as went along. Thick as the wrinkled hide of an elephant is, a very small insect can still draw blood from it and so, like the water buffalo, he wisely plastered himself with mud from the river’s edge for protection.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i.Select the option that explains the reason why the light in the inner room kept changing? 1

(a) Because of the movement inside the room. (b)Because of the changing direction of the sun

(c)Because of the winds that were swaying the screen.                             

(d) Because the screens were being repaired.

ii. The writer would agree with the given statements based on paragraph eight, except. 1m

(a) The elephant did not like being hit.        (b) The driver of the elephant did not want the elephant to run away.       (c) The speaker was not amused by the water thrown by the elephant.      (d) The driver of the elephant needed to rest.

iii. Share evidence from the text in about 40 words that the author had previously regarded riding on an elephant as a luxurious means of travel. 2m

iv. Complete the sentence appropriately with an appropriate inference, with respect to the following 1m

The writer has described the features of the elephant in paragraph 4 in order to highlight the _____.

v. Select the option that means the same as ‘moves’, from the words used in Paragraph (2) 1m

(a) Glancing. (b) Matting (c) Interspersed (d) Sways.            

  vi. The writer did not enjoy the elephant ride. Based on your reading of the passage, list the reasons, in not more than 40 words, for such an attitude.

vii. In the line “...so, like the water buffalo, he wisely plastered himself with mud from the river’s edge for protection” the author calls him wise. Explain. 1m

viii. List two ways in which the Malay houses are appropriated for the region. Answer in about 40 words. 2m

ix. What was the author’s expectations regarding the elephant ride? 1m

(1) Exciting(2) Doubtful.    (3) Scornful (4) Prejudiced.          (5) tentative


(a)Only 1(b) 1 and 2.        (c) Only 4

(d) 3and 5

Q2-Read the passage given below and answer the. questions/complete the sentences that follow: (8 marks)
Sniffer dog Tucker uses his nose to help researchers find out why a killer whale population off the northwest coast of the United States is on tKe decline. He searches for whale faeces floating on the surface of the water, which are then collected for examination. He is one of the elite team of detection dogs used by scientists studying a number of species including right whales and killer whales.             Conservation canines are fast becoming indispensable tools for biologists according to Aimee Hurt, associate director and co-founder of Working Dogs for Conservation, based in Three Forks, Montana.
Over the last few years, though, so many new conservation dog projects have sprung up that Hurt can no longer keep track of them all. Her organization’s dogs and their handlers are fully booked to assist field researchers into 2012. “Dogs have such a phenomenal sense of smell”, explained Sam Wasser, director of the Center for Conservation biology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has worked with scat-detection dogs since 199(g). Scientists have been using Conservation Canines in their research since 199(g). These dogs have enabled them to non-invasively access vast amount of genetic and physiological information which is used to tackle conservation problems around the world. Such information has proved vital for determining the causes and consequences of human disturbances on wildlife as well as the actions needed to mitigate such impacts.                           The ideal detection dog is extremely energetic with an excessive play drive. These dogs will happily work all • day long, motivated by the expectation of a ball game as a reward for sample detection. The obsessive, high energy personalities of detection dogs also make them difficult to maintain as pets. As a result, they frequently find themselves abandoned to animal shelters, facing euthanasia. The programme rescues these dogs and offers them a satisfying career in conservation research. 

Unseen passage with questions and answers class  (1×8 = 8 marks)
(i) According to the text there are a few________ detection dogs like Tucker.
(ii) Tucker sniffs for whale________
(iii) The dogs are special because they assist in research without ________
(iv) The ideal detection dog ________
(v) The dogs expect________ as a reward of their hard work.
(vi) ________of these dogs make it difficult to keep them as pets.
(vii) These dogs find career in ________
(viii) The word ‘euthanasia’ means ________

Q:3 Read the following passage : 8 marks 

Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests you and your listeners. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important

Thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to your friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for good fellowship, charming wit, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interest.

It Is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a wet blanket or a bore, be careful to avoid certain unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself, unless you are asked to do so. People are interested in their own problems not in yours. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only one who willingly listens to such talk is the doctor, but he gets paid for it.

To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say, but how also to say it. Be mentally quick and witty. But don’t hurt others with your wit. Finally try to avoid mannerism in your conversation. Don’t bite your lips or click your tongue, or roll your eyes or use your hands excessively as you speak.

Don’t be like that Frenchman who said, “How can I talk if you hold my hand?”

1.1 Make notes an the contents of above paragraph in any format, using abbreviations. Supply a suitable title also. 5marks 

1.2 Make a summary of the passage ( 80 words) 3 marks

SECTION : B Writing  16

Q: 4 (A)As the President of Leo Club of Temple Town, prepare a poster on behalf of Lions Club and Leo Club for ‘Diwali Mela’ to be held at Nehru Stadium, mentioning some of the attractions (3M)



(B) Your school is organising a fete to collect funds for victims of a flood. Put up a poster near the gate to inform as many people as you can

Q:5 a) You are Krishna/ Tisha, Secretary, Greenland Enterprises Ltd, Delhi-110006. Your Chairman has asked you to draft an advertisement for a local daily under the classified columns for the vacant posts of one accountant and two office assistants.Draft an advertisement

 3 marks 


b) You are the manager, Herbal India Ltd. Draft an advertisement for your company for the post of two Sales Executives. Specify your requirements, qualifications, experience, and personality of the candidates.

Q:6 a) ONLINE SMART CLASSES ARE THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION STYLE". Write a debate either for or against the motion. (120-150 words). (5)


b)Homes For The Aged Is A Necessity In India ‘. Write A Debate In 120- 150 Words Either For Or Against The Motion. You Are Shivam/  Shivani 


Q:7 a)Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly. 5 marks 


b) You are Priya/Piyush. You are a member of the Environment Club of your school. After visiting many places you have realized that it is the need of the hour to protect environment. You decide to create awareness among the students. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Environmental protection’ to be delivered in the morning assembly. 

Grammar (Attempt any 8 questions)

Q8. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in the brackets:

When I (1)..... (arrive) at the station, my aunt (2) …..(wait) for me. She (3)..... (wear) a red sari and (4)......(look) very pretty. As soon as she (5)......(see) me she (6). …(say) something, but I could not (7)...,. (hear) what she (8) ….(say). (3M)

Question 9.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number

Madhubani Painting is one in the many traditional (a) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;]
Indian art forms. It is but known as Mithila or Godhna (b) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;]
Paintings. This art developed by Mithila or Madhubani district (c) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;]
of Bihar or then spread to villages around Madhubani (d) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] (3M)

Question10: Rearrange the words into meaningful sentences (any two)(2M)

(a) comfortable / and /more/is/life/

worth living/world/ today's/in/ before / ever / than

(b) science / advancement/ brought

about /in/ and technology / have / changes/awesome

(c) man/today/communicate /is/ able to / faster

 Literature 30 marks

 Q:11Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : 1/2x6= 3

A.The laburnum top is silent, quite still In the afternoon yellow September sunlight, A few leaves yellowing, all its seeds fell. Till the goldfinch comes, with a twitching chirrup. A suddenness, a startlement, at a branch end.

(i) What is the significance of the ‘Laburnum top’ here.                                                        (ii)  Which season has been described in these lines?                                                    (iii)  What commotion does the bird create? How?                                                               (iv) What does twitching means here ?   

 (v) what is the poetic device in above stanza ?                               

 (vi) Name the poem and poet ? 

B.Read the extract and answer the following questions : ½×6=3 marks 

  It wasn’t morning yet, but it was summer and with daybreak not many minutes around the corner of the world it was light enough for me to know I wasn’t dreaming. My cousin Mourad was sitting on a beautiful white horse. I stuck my head out of the window and rubbed my eyes. Yes, he said in Armenian. It’s a horse. You’re not dreaming. Make it quick if you want to ride.

Questions (i)Who was sitting on the horse?

(a)Cousin of the speaker. (b)The speaker.

  (c)no one. (d)Both (a) and (b)

(ii)From which lesson the above extract has been taken?                    

a)The Address (b)Birth  © The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (d)Mother’s Day

(iii)In which language did Mourad speak?

a)German. b)English    c)Armenian d)Arabian

(iv) Who stuck his out of the window? v) who is I here ?                                                        

vi) Who is the author of the chapter ? 

Q:12  Answer the following questions in 50-60 words : 2×5=10

A. Why do you think Mrs. Dorling, knowingly refused to recognize the narrator when she went to meet after years?

B.Which tribe did Aram and his cousin Mourad belong to? What was their tribe known for?

C. The Lines “we’re Not Afraid to Die” Are Spoken by Who and When? 

D. Explain the statement, “King Tut is one of the first mummies to be scanned in death, as in life ”

E.Who was Amenhotep IV? Why was he called wacky? 

F. The three phases of the author’s relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad?

Q:13 Give reason for the following questions : (2×2=4)

a)Why is the poem named ‘ The laburnum Top ? 

b)There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this? 

c) Discuss the three stages of poem, Photograph 

Q:14 Answer anyone of the following questions :( 5 marks )

a)What did the narrator recall about her visit to Mrs Dorling.      Or

b)You will probably agree that this story does not have breathless adventure and exciting action. Then what in your opinion makes it interesting? (Address)

Q:15 Answer anyone of the the following question 

(5 marks )

a)What problems did Howard Carter face with regard to Tut’s mummy? How did he solve them Or

b)Describe the disaster of the large wave which destructed the narrator’s boat.


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