12th Eng- On The Face Of It vocabulary/ Glossary Flamingo
Ch-5 On The Face Of It
Annotations/ Vocabulary
1-Startled = surprised (चौंका हुआ),
2-Windfalls = due to wind fallen fruits (हवा से अचानक गिरे फल),
3-Trip = stumble, falter (ठोकर लगना),
4-Birdsong = chirping, (पक्षियों की चहचहाहट),
5-Rustling = soft sound, (सरसराहट),
6-Tentatively = hesitantly, (संकोच से),
7-Screen = barrier, (अवरोध),
8- Panic = sudden fear, (आकस्मिक डर),
9-Climbed = ascend, (चढ़ना),
10-Watching = looking at (देख रहा है),
11-Scrump = steal fruit, pilfer (चोरी करना),
12- Withdrawn - not wanting to talk बात न करना
13- Defiant- disobey बात ना मानना
14-Terrible = dreadful (भयानक),
15- Ladder = steps, climb tool (सीढ़ी),
16-Ripe = mature, ready (पके),
17- Burned = scorched (जला हुआ),
18- Rubbish = garbage (कचरा),
19-Weeds = undesirables (अवांछित पौधे) ,
20-Herbs = plants, botanicals (जड़ी बूटियाँ)
21-Tin leg = metal limb, (धातु की टांग),
22- Stare = gaze, (घूरना) ,
23-Relative = comparative, (सापेक्ष),
24-Beast = animal, brute (जानवर),
25-Spider = arachnid, crawler (मकड़ी),
26-Monstrous = large, terrifying (राक्षसी),
27-Wet weather = rainy, damp conditions (गीला मौसम) ,
28-Deaf = hard of hearing, without hearing (बहरा),
29-Daft = silly, foolish (मूर्ख)
30-Whispered = spoke softly, (फुसफुसाया),
31-Cruel = mean, heartless (निर्दयी),
32-Peculiar = strange, unusual (अजीब),
33-Hive = habitat for bees, nest (मधुमक्खी का छत्ता),
34-Humm = low sound, murmur (गुंजाईश),
35- Trespassing = intrusion, violation (अवैध प्रवेश),
36- Germs = bacteria, microbes (रोगाणु),
37-Pears = fruits, orchard items (नाशपाती),
38-Honey = nectar, sweetener (शहद),
39-Particulars = details, specifics (विवरण),
40-Enemies = adversaries, foes (दुश्मन),
41-Curtains = drapes, blinds (पर्दे),
42- Lamey-Lamb = nickname,(उपनाम),
43-Crab apples = small apples, wild apples (छोटे सेब),
44-Fields = meadows, pastures (खेत),
45-Fuss = commotion, (हल्ला),
46- Bees = insects, honey bees (मधुमक्खियाँ),
47-Miserable = distressed (दुःखी),
48-Alive = living, breathing (जीवित),
49-Daft = silly, foolish (मूर्ख),
50- Sense = logic, meaning (समझ),
51- Devil = demon, fiend (शैतान) ,
52-Dears = beloved, sweethearts (प्रिय),
53- Forgive = pardon, excuse (क्षमा करना),
54- Panting = gasping, (सांस फूलना),
55-Branch = bough, limb (शाखा),
56- Crash = collapse, fall (टकराव),
57-Stops = halts, ceases (रुकना),
58-Dead = lifeless, unresponsive (मरा हुआ),
59- Kneels = stoops, bows (घुटनों पर बैठना),
60-Fell = dropped, collapsed (गिरना),
61-Weep = cry, sob (रोना)
62- On my account - because of me मेरे कारण
63- Dribble - let saliva come out of mouth लार टपकना
64-Swish-move back cutting the air वापस मुड़ जाना
65- Thumping down - to fall with loud sound धम की आवाज के साथ गिरना
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