The Interview Question Answer
The Interview by Christopher Silvester
Textual Question answer
Q1. What are some of the positive views on interviews?
Over the last 130 years, the interview has become a commonplace of journalism. It is a useful means of communication.It is an art, that brings out truth . Denis Brian has stated that in today's world we get to know "our contemporaries through their interviews.
Q2 Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed?
Celebrity writers believe that interviews unwanted interfere in their private lives. They regard themselves as victims of interviews. They claim that the interview in some way diminishes them, just like some ancient cultures believed that a portrait of a person takes away his soul. Certain celebrities like V.S Naipaul have claimed that interviews leave them wounded, while others like Rudyard Kipling have referred to it as a crime and an immoral act.
Q3. What is the belief in some primitive cultures about being photographed?
Some primitive cultures believed that photographing a person is no less than stealing his/her soul out of the body and rendering him incomplete and slighted.
*rendering him incomplete and slighted
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Q4. What do you understand by the expression "thumbprints on his windpipe"?
This expression reveals the feeling of suffocation and deep pain that one goes through during the course of his interview.
The interview is an assault on a person as it makes him so tense.
Q5. Who, in today's world, is our chief source of information about personalities?
In modern times, the chief source of information on personalities is the interviewer who, through his power and influence, gathers information and provides us with the best possible information on the interviewees. He extracts everything significant through his questions for us
Q6. Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your opinion.
Yes, Umberto Eco, in all possibilities, likes being interviewed. He felt just at ease with the interviewer and answered all the questions fully and patiently without showing any hurry. He seems to be enjoying the interview all the time
He doesn't show a trace of impatience and irritating. He was mannerly, warm and properly responsive as well.
Q7. How does Eco find the time to write so much?
There are two factors that explain how Eco was able to write so much. He says that each man has lots of vacant spaces in his life.
Eco writes in these vacant spaces.
He says that he did most of his writing during these free intervals.
About his novel writing,he says," I am a professor who writes novels on Sunday.
Second, he explains that people wondered that he (Eco) had written so much on various subjects. But the fact is that he was writing on the same lines and same interests: peace, non-violence, etc. All his works were linked with the thread of common interests.
Q8.. What was distinctive about Eco's academic writing style?
Umberto Eco's academic writing style is quite distinctive. It has a certain playful and personal quality about it. It is a marked departure from a regular academic style, which is usually depersonalized and
often dry and boring.
distinctive-clearly different from others
Q9. Did Umberto Eco consider himself a novelist first or an academic scholar?
Umberto Eco considered himself an academic scholar first and a novelist later. He makes his preference clear by saying, "I consider myself a university professor who writes novels on Sundays" On week days he attends academic conferences and does other scholarly, non-fictional work
Q10- What is the reason for the huge success of the novel, The Name of the Rose?
"The Name of the Rose' is different sort of novel. It is quite serious novel. It is a detective story at one level. But it also probes into metaphysics, theology and medieval history. It is deep and difficult novel.publishers believed that people like trash and don't like difficult experience reading, the sale of book proved that it was not true. It was sold 10-15 million copies . Such readers don't like trash but
the reasons for the success of the book, however, remain a mystery.
theology- study of religion
metaphysics- in simpler terms? Metaphysics is the study of reality and existence.
Q11. How did Rudyard Kipling look at interviews?
Ans: Rudyard Kipling condemned interviews. His wife writes in her diary that Rudyard Kipling told the reporters that he called being interviewed as immoral and a crime like an offence against any person. It merited punishment. It was cowardly and vile.
Q12. Why did Lewis Carroll have a horror of the interviewer?
Ans: Lewis Carroll was said to have had a just horror of the interviewer. It was his horror of being lionized which made him thus repel would-be acquaintances, interviewers, and those seeking his autographs. So, he never consented to be interviewed.
Q13. What does Umberto Eco mean by the concept of Interstices in our lives?
Ans. Interstices means vacant space or cracks in something. Eco says that each man has vacant spaces (free time when one has nothing to do) in his life. One can make use of such interstices for thinking about some creative ideas.
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