The Rattrap 12th English Question Answer



Q1. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?

Ans. While going his way, the man  was thinking of rattraps.Suddenly an Idea came to his mind that the whole world was nothing but a  big rattrap .It offers riches and joys, shelter and food,heat and clothing in the same way  the rattrap offered cheese and pork.     Some had already been caught in the snare and the others were still circling round the bait.As soon as someone touch the bait,it closed in, everything came to an end.

Pork-  पोर्क मीट

Q2. Why was he amused by this idea?

Ans: His own life was sad and monotonous. He walked  from place to place. The world had never been kind to him. So, during his gloomy ploddings, this idea became his favourite pastime. He was amused how people let themselves be caught in the dangerous snare and how others were still circling around the bait.

1-Gloomy plodding- दुखी मन से चलते हुए

2-Pastime- मनोरंजन

3-Monotonous- boring नीरस

4-Snare- trap जाल

5-Amuses- amaze हैरान

Q3. Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter?

Ans: No, he did not expect that kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter house.

The crofter served him porridge for supper and tobacco for his pipe. He also played a game of cards with him till bed time. This hospitality was unexpected as people usually made sour faces when the peddler asked for shelter.

1-Hospitality- सम्मान


3-Supper-रात्रि का भोजन


5-Unexpected-जिसकी उम्मीद ना हो

6-Sour face-रुखा चेहरा

Q4. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?

Ans: Crofter was a lonely person. He was happy to have someone with whom he could sit and talk in his loneliness.Since he had no wife and no child,no friends.

 Secondly, he was quite generous with his confidences. That's why he was so talkative and friendly with the peddler.

1- Generous-उदार


Q5. Why did he show the thirty kronor to the peddler?

Ans: The crofter had told the peddler that by supplying his cow’s milk to the creamery, he had received thirty kronor in payment. The peddler seemed to doubt it. So, in order to assure his guest of the truth he showed the thirty kronor to the peddler.

Q6. Did the peddler respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter?

Ans: No, the peddler did not respect the confidence reposed in him by the crofter.In the absence of Crofter, peddler came back, he broke the window pane, took out the money and hung the leather pouch back in its place. Then he went away.

Reposed- सौंपा


Q7. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a rattrap?

Ans: The peddler had thirty kroner in his pocket.In order to escape from police,he had walked into confusing forest.He had made many rounds since morning but he could not get any way to come out.It was getting dark.

 He kept walking without coming to the end of the wood. Then he realised that he had fallen in the rattrap. He had let himself befooled by a bait and had been caught in.


Q8. Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?

Ans: Ironmaster had mistaken peddler his old regimental friend

 Captain Von Stahle. He addressed the stranger as Nils Olof, spoke very kindly and invited him home.

He had pity on hungry man so he wanted to take him to his home and give him company on the Christmas Eve.

 Pity -दया

Q9. Why did the peddler decline the invitation?

Ans: The peddler knew that the ironmaster had mistaken him for his old regimental comrade. Secondly, he had stolen money—thirty kronor—on him. Going to the ironmaster’s residence would be like entering the lion’s den. That's why he declined the invitation.


Decline-मना करना

 Q10. What made the peddler accept Edla Willmansson’s invitation?

Ans: Miss Edla Willmansson looked at the peddler quite compassionately. She noticed that the man was afraid. She assured him that he would be allowed to leave just as freely as he came. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas Eve. Her friendly manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accept her invitation.

Compassionately- दयालुता के साथ

Assured-भरोसा दिलाना

Q11. What doubts did Edla have about the peddler?

Ans: As Edla lifted the peddler’s hat, he jumped up suddenly and seemed to be quite frightened.  From his fear and behaviour she thought that either he had stolen something or he had run away from jail or police is running after him.

Q12. When did the ironmaster realise his mistake?

Ans: Next morning, the stranger was cleaned and well-dressed. The valet had bathed him, cut his hair and shaved him. He was led to the dining room for breakfast. The ironmaster saw him in broad daylight. It was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance now. Then the ironmaster realised his mistake and threatened to call the Sheriff.

1-Acquaintance- जान पहचान

2 Sheriff- अफसर


4- Valet- नौकर

Q13. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?

Ans: As soon as Edla opened the package of the gift, the contents came into view. She found a small rattrap with three wrinkled ten kronor notes and a letter addressed to her. The peddler wanted to be nice in return as she had been so nice to him all day long. He did not want her to be embarrased at the Christmas season by a thief.

 Wrinkle-टुडे मुडी

 Embarrassed-नाराज करना

1-Kroner- Sweden currency

Q14.Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle?

Ans: The ironmaster has invited the peddler to his house mistaking him for Captain von Stahle. He was welcomed there and looked after as captain even after the reality became known. The peddler got a chance to redeem himself from dishonest ways by acting as an honourable Captain.

Redeem- मुक्त करना


Q15-. What made the peddler finally change his ways?

Ans: Edla Willmansson treated the tramp in a friendly manner. She was nice and kind to him.She interceded on his behalf when her father was about to turn him out. She still entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him. She offered him the suit as Christmas present and invited him to spend the next Christmas with them. Her love and understanding aroused the essential goodness in the peddler and finally he changed his ways.

Interceded-intervened  दखल देना



Arouse- जाग जाना


Q16. The story also focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others.

Ans: There are at least three characters in the story who suffer from loneliness and express the need to bond with others. They represent three strata of the human society as well. The peddler with the rattraps, the old crofter and the ironmaster all suffer from loneliness. The peddler is called a tramp, a vagabond and stranger at various points of the story. He moves wearily from one place to the other. He is lost in his own thoughts. He seeks shelter for night and people look at him with sour faces. Even the blacksmiths look haughtily at him and nod consent. The old crofter suffers from loneliness as he has neither wife nor child with him. Hence, he feels happy when he gets the peddler to talk to in his loneliness.

The ironmaster is also lonely in his manor house. His wife Elizabeth has died and his sons are abroad. There is no one at home except his oldest daughter and himself. His requests to Captain von Stehle to accompany him show his need for human bonding. He admits frankly that they didn’t have any company for Christmas. 


Q17. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?

Ans: The world entices a person through the various good things of life such as riches and joy, shelter and food, heat and clothing. These were just like the baits in the rattrap. Once someone is tempted by the bait, the world closed on him.The peddler was tempted by thirty kronor of the crofter. It makes him hide himself. He walks through the wood. He is afraid to go to the Manor house. He gets peace only after returning the bait (money).

Entice- ललचाना

Bait- चारा

Tempted- लालच में आकर

Various- भिन्न-भिन्न

Q1- Who is the author of The Rattrap?

Ans.Selma Lagerlof

Q2- Where has the story been set up?

Ans.Mines of Sweden

Q3- Sweden Mines are rich in which ore?

Ans.Iron ore

Q4- What is the message of the story?

Ans. Love and kindness are powerful reformers

Q5- This story revolves around whom?

Ans.Around peddler- the Rattrap seller

Q6- What does the rattrap seller have to do to make his both ends meet?

Ans.Thievery and begging

Q7- In peddler's view, what does the world look like?

 Ans. Rattrap

Q8- Who offered shelter to the Peddler?

Ans.An old Crofter

Q9- What made the Peddler finally change his ways?

Ans.Kindness and care

Q9- From where did the Peddler get the idea of the world being a Rattrap?

Ans.From his circumstances and

 miserable life condition

Q10- Why was the ironmaster so talkative and friendly with the Peddler?

Ans.Because of his resemblance to one of his old friend

Q11- Why did Elda bring the Peddler to her house for Christmas cheer?

Ans.Because of his resemblance 

to her father's old friend

Q12 -Why did the Peddler leave the stolen money in a Rattrap?

Ans.Because his heart was changed with Edla’s kindness

Q13-Who used to make rattraps?


Q14- How did Crofter treat the Peddler?

Ans.Friendly manner

Q15- Why did Peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle?

Ans.Because he wants to meet Edla’s expectations of him being an armyman

Q16- When does the ironmaster realise his mistake?

Ans.when the peddler changes clothes and cleans his face

Q17- How much money had the peddler stolen from Crofter?

Ans.30 kronors

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                   By clgautam

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