If I Were You Vocabulary, Questions and answers (9th Eng)
Ch-If I Were You
2-cottage = a small bungalow,छोटा बंगला ; 3-intruder = one who enters forcibly,घुसपैठिया ; 4-criminal =one who commits crime, अपराधी ; 5-bears = maintains, कायम रखना ;
6-resemblance = similarity,समानता ;
7-interior = inner part,आंतरिक भाग ;
8- entrance = door, दरवाज़ा ;
9-consisting = made, बना हुआ ;
10- divan = a kind of bed, दीवान ;
11-Rimmed = frame,फ्रेम वाला ;
12- lounge = sitting room,बैठक ;
13-cultured = refined,सुसंस्कृत;
14-count on = depend on, निर्भर होना ;
15-engaged = busy, व्यस्त ;
16 flashily = in a gaudy manner,तड़क –भड़क से ; 17-bumps = strikes, टकराना ,
18- accidentally = by chance,संयोग से ;
19-put those paws up = raise your hands, हाथ ऊपर करो ;
20-Melodramatic = sensational,सनसनीखेज ; 21-nonchalant= careless manner,लापरवाह ; ; 22-crawl = creep, रेंगना I
23- motions = gestures, इशारे ;
24- sympathetic = kind, दयालु ;
25- gypsies = nomads,खानाबदोश ;
26-inflection = change of voice,लापरवाह ; 27-emphasis = stress,जोर देना ;
28-imitation = copy, नकल
29- assist = help,सहायता करना ;
30- baker = one who bakes,बेकर ;
31-greengrocer = vegetable seller,सब्जी वाला ;
32-Considerable= a lot of, बहुत अधिक ;
33-modest = humble, विन्रम ;
34-plenty = much, अधिक ;
35- precisely = exactly,एकदम ;
36- to break into = to intrude,घुसपैठ करना ; 37-figuring = appearing,नजर आना ;
38-embrace = have adopted,अपनाना ;
39- dandy = excellent,शानदार ;
40- cops = policemen,सिपाही ;
41-retire = live in comfort,आराम से रहना ;
42-trifle =a bale,कुछ I
43-harsh = cruel,क्रूर ;
44-sarcasm = bitter satire, व्यंग्य;
45-taken a fancy = have started liking,चाहना आरंभ कर देन ा;
46-grave =serious, गंभीर;
47- hunted =chased, पीछा करना ;
48-gratuitous = without good reason,बिना कारण के ;
49-frustrated = disappointed,निराश I
50-Posh = belonging to the upper class,उच्च वर्ग का ;
51- stuff = material,माल ;
52-pantomime = silent imitation,खमोश नक़ल ; ; 53-specs = eyeglasses, चश्मा ;
54- tribute = praise,प्रशंसा ;
55-on your mind = in your thoughts,तुम्हारे विचारों में ;
56-elude = escape,बचना ;
57-dodge = escape, बचना ;
58-queer = strange,अजीब ; ;
59- invested in (here) = adopted,अपनाया
60-Crook = rogue, ढंग;
61-disguise = hiding in a false identity, भेष; 62-musingly – thoughtfully,विचारशीलता
63-muddled = confused, परेशान
64- Slams = shuts, बंद करता ह
65- rattles = knocks, खटखटाता ह ै;
66-props = lines spoken in a drama, नाटक में बोली गई पक्तिया ँ;
67-; leans = bends, झुकता
Question And Answer
Textual Questions
1. "At last a sympathetic audience."
(a) Who says this?A
Ans. Gerrard says this.
(b) Why does he say it?
Ans. He says this as the intruder asks him to tell him about himself
(c) Is he sarcastic or serious?
Ans. He is being sarcastic.
2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on?
Ans. The intruder is a criminal who has killed a cop. Hence, the police are chasing him. He can be hanged if he is arrested. He notices that Gerrard resembles him. So, he decides to kill him and take his identity. He can then live as Gerrard and be a free man.
3. "I said it with bullets."
(a) Who says this?
Ans. Gerrard says this.
(b) What does it mean?
Ans. He means that he has killed a man.
(c) Is it the truth? What is the speaker's reason for saying this?
Ans. No, there is no truth in this. He says so to fool the intruder.
4. What is Gerrard's profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer.
Ans. Gerrard's profession is related with the theatre. We come to know about this when he says on phone to the man on the other side, "I can't let you have the props in time for rehearsal."
5. "You'll soon stop being smart."
(a) Who says this?
Ans. The intruder says this.
(b) Why does the speaker say it?
Ans. He says it to threaten Gerrard who is not taking him seriously.
(c) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard from being smart?
Ans. He is threatening to hurt Gerrard which will stop him from being smart
6. "They can't hang me twice."
(a) Who says this?
Ans. The intruder says this.
(b) Why does the speaker say it?
Ans. He is already wanted for murder. So, if he kills Gerrard as well, he can't be punished for the crime twice.
7. "A mystery I propose to explain." What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain?
Ans. The speaker proposes to explain the mystery about who he is in reality. He wants to tell the intruder that he also has killed a man and the police are after him.
8. "This is your big surprise."
(a) Where has this been said in the play?
Ans. This has been said twice in the play. At first, the intruder says this when he reveals his plan to kill Gerrard. On second occasion, it is spoken by Gerrard when he tells the imaginary story of him being a murderer.
(b) What is the surprise?
Ans. The intruder's surprise is that he is going to kill Gerrard. Gerrard's surprise is his fictitious identity
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