
Poem- Slumber Did My Spirit Seal 9th Eng

Poem- Slumber Did My Spirit Seal bu William Wordsworth  S. No    Words.        Meaning 1         Slumber      Deep sleep 2.        Seal           Fasten securely 3.         Spirit.      The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character 4.Earthly years      The passing time and seasons in Earth 5 Diurnal.         Pertaining to happening daily 6.Implied.         Indirect or hidden 7.Melancholy   Extreme sadness 8. Numb          Having no feeling or emotions 9. Depart.       To leave or exit 10.Pangs.      The pain that one experiences 11. Fragments.    Broken pieces of a whole substance 12.Charisma.       Enthusiasm or charm A. Read the following extract and answer the questi...

On Killing a Tree 9th Eng Vocabulary

On Killing a Tree Takes = Requires, Consumes (लेना) , jab = Quick stab, Pierce (तेज वार) , Grown = Developed, Matured (बढ़ा हुआ)  , Crust = Earth’s surface, Outer layer (पृथ्वी की बाहरी परत) , Absorbing = Taking in, Soaking up (अवशोषण करते हुए)  , Sunlight = Daylight, Sun’s rays (सूर्य की रोशनी)  , Air = Atmosphere, Oxygen (हवा) , Water = Liquid, H2O (पानी) , Leprous hide = Diseased bark, Affected skin (रोगग्रस्त दिखने वाली छाल), Sprouting = Growing out, Budding (अंकुरित होना) , Hack and chop = Cut down, Sever (बार-बार काटना), Bleeding bark = Oozing sap, Leaking tree.  skin (वृक्ष की छाल से निकलता रस) , Green twigs = Young branches, Fresh shoots (हरी शाखें)  , Boughs = Branches, Limbs (वृक्ष की शाखाएँ) , Unchecked = Unhindered, Unrestricted (अवरोधित) , Root = Base, Foundation (जड़) , Anchoring = Holding firm, Securing (मजबूती से जमा हुआ) , Roped = Tied up, Bound (रस्सी से बाँधना) , Snapped out = Forcefully removed, Uprooted (ज़ोर से निकाल दिया) , Slowly = Gradua...

Phrasal Verbs -

Phrasal Verbs  English Confluence  1-चालू करना | Turn on (टर्न ऑन) 2-बंद करना | Turn off (टर्न ऑफ) 3-हार मान लेना | Give up (गिव अप) 4-उठाना | Pick up (पिक अप) 5-देखभाल करना | Look after (लुक आफ्टर) 6-समाप्त होना | Run out (रन आउट) 7-खराब हो जाना | Break down (ब्रेक डाउन) 8-स्थापित करना | Set up (सेट अप) 9-पालन-पोषण करना | Bring up (ब्रिंग अप) 10-बेहोश होना | Pass out (पास आउट) 11-पहनना | Put on (पुट ऑन) 12-उतारना | Take off (टेक ऑफ) 13-टालना | Put off (पुट ऑफ) 14-रद्द करना | Call off (कॉल ऑफ) 15-जारी रखना | Carry on (कैरी ऑन) 16-घटाना | Cut down (कट डाउन) English Confluence

QUESTION BANK 10th English Set-1-5

QUESTIONS BANK -2024-25 set-1 Q1.Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words.4x3=12  (A) How does the ignorance about Mijbil as a creature in the urban environment of London reveal insights about people's perceptions and knowledge regarding animals? (3) (Mijbil the Otter) (B) How does the imagery of the trees' movement from the house to the forest, in Trees, reflect broader themes of liberation and growth in human experiences? (3) (C) What does the postmaster's reaction to Lencho's letter reveal about his character? (A Letter to God) (3) (D) Assess the narrative's effectiveness in portraying the tension between the comfort of familiarity and the allure of the unfamiliar in 'Madam Rides the Bus. (3) (E) What kind of picture is painted by the poet through the line, "Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household? (3) Q2. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words.(2×3=6) (A) How does Matilda's desire ...