
Madam Rides The Bus by RS Krishnansamy


The moral of story can be that sometimes we should listen to our elders and what other people are saying to us. The given story is about an eight year old girl named Valli who wanted to travel bus and she does it all alone but in the process she experience something which changes her perception.


Through Valli in Madam Rides the Bus, Vallikannan depicts the curious nature of the children. The story also shows that how easily children are fascinated by new things and their curiosity doesn't end without them experiencing the delights of fantasy life in their life.

 Central idea 

The prose is a sensitive story that revolves around an eight-year-old girl and her first very adventurous bus ride into a new and different world outside her village. Her journey to the world teaches her about life and death. Through this story, the author presents the world as a whole from a child's perspective.

Character sketch of aValli

Valli was a very courageous ,sensitive, self-respecting and intelligent girl. She was only 8 years old but behaving like a more mature woman than her age.She wanted to ride a bus so she started collecting every penny came to her by avoiding every temptation for buying toys and other playing instruments 

Questions and answers 

Q1:What was Valli's favourite pastime? 

Ans. Valli's favourite pastime was to stand in the front doorway of her house and watch what was happening in the street outside.

Q2. What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?

Ans. A source of unending joy for Valli was the sight of the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town, filled with a new set of passengers each time it passed through her street. Her strongest desire was to ride on that bus.

Q3:What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find these details

Ans. Valli found out that the bus journey to the town took 45 minutes and the one-way fare costed 30 paisa. She listened carefully to the conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus and asked a few discreet questions here and there. This way she picked up various small details about the bus journey.

Q4-What do you think Valli was planning to do?

Ans. Valli was planning to go to the town and then return back by the same bus. The fare was 30 paise one way and the ride took forty five minutes. In this way, she planned that she would be back by 2:45 pm

Q5:Why does the conductor call Valli ‘madam’?

Ans. The conductor called Valli ‘madam’ because she behaved like a woman. She declined his help and was very quick in her answers to the conductor’s questions. This made the conductor call him madam.

Q6:Why does Valli stand up on the seat?


What does she see now?


Valli wanted to look outside the bus. She found her view blocked by the canvas blind that covered the lower part of the window. In order to have a better view she stood up on the seat and peered over the blind. She saw a canal, palm trees, grassland, mountains, green fields and the sky.

Q7-What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her a child?


Valli replied that there was nobody in the bus who was a child. She told him that she had paid her fare of 30 paise like everybody else.

Q8:Why didn’t Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?


Valli did not want to make friends with the elderly woman because she looked quite repulsive. She had big earholes and was wearing ugly earrings. Apart from this, she was chewing betel nut and her mouth was also filled with betel juice.

Q9:How did Valli save money for her first journey?\Was it easy for her?

Ans. Valli saved every coin that came her way. She made great sacrifices by controlling her normal childish urges of having candies, toys and joyrides. This must have been difficult for her. Kids find it very difficult to resist to savour a candy or to enjoy a toy.

Q10:What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?

Ans. Valli saw a young cow, tail high in the air running very fast right in the middle of the road in front of the bus. The driver sounded his horn again and again so that the cow moves away. But the more he honked, the more frightened the animal became and faster it galloped. This all seemed very funny to Valli and she laughed and laughed till there were tears in her eyes

Q11:Why didn’t she get off the bus at the bus station?
Valli had planned that she only wanted to ride on the bus. She would spend thirty paise on her fare, go to the town and then come back by the same bus before her mother woke up. She didn’t have AAtime or money to go to see the town.

Question 12:.
Why didn’t Valli want go to the stall have a drink? What does this tell yo about her?
Valli had saved only sixty paise for the trip.She didn’t want to waste any money on Shop as she had to come back by the same bus at any cost. So, when the conductor suggested her to get down and have a drink she refused. He offers to bring one for her but she still refused. This Why that she was a well-mannered girl.

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