Class 12, CBSE ENG.Core. Ch-3 Deep Water, Flamingo Questions and answers/ Theme Message/ Characters/explanation/Central idea

Chap-3  DEEP WATER by William Douglas


Message -Message of deep water lesson is that if we take a vow to do anything then we can do it . In this lesson the author decided to overcome his fear and actully he had done it .In this chapter "Deep Water" from William Douglas's book "Of Men and Mountains," he talks about overcoming fears. It's not just about swimming but about facing any fear that tries to hold us back.


The theme of the story Deep Water is Victory in facing the fear. The author's experience of overcoming his fear of water and learning how to swim is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance

central idea of deep water?

'Deep Water' deals with the childhood fear of Douglas. A misadventure at the YMCA pool developed an aversion of water in him and he suffered from hydrophobia. The story focuses on the fact that childhood fears must never be treated lightly.

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—------------------------------------------------- Annotations

1-Water swimming- apparatus to help swimming पानी में तैरने का यंत्र

2-Treacherous- dangerous खतरनाक

3-Drowning- sinking डूबना

4-Skinny- very thin पतला

5-Subdued- controlled काबू करना

6-Aversion- strong feelings of dislike नापसंद

7-Surf- sea waves लहरें

8-Revive- Re alive पुनर्जीवित

9-Paddle- move on water पानी में तैरना

10-Aping- imitating नकल करना

11-Misadventures- misfortune दुर्भाग्य

12-Bruiser- healthy,boxer तंदुरुस्त

13-Rippling- wavy, curling मांसपेशियां लहरदार

14-Yelled- shouted चिल्लाया

15-To be ducked- plunged into डुबकी लगाना

16-Tossed- thrown फेंक दिया

17-Bob- move up in water पानी के ऊपर तैरना

18-Tinge- slight colour हल्का रंग

19-Panicky- alarmed घबराया

20-Grab- hold, catch, clutch पकड़ना

21-Suffocating- choked, दम घुटना

22-Rigid- stiff सख्त

23-Irresistible- unopposable निर्विरोध

24-Dizzy- giddy सिर चकराना

25-Thrash- beat, strike पीटना

26-Pounding- beating धक-धक करना

27-Sheer- complete पूर्ण/ पूरी तरह

28-Stark- impossible to avoid जिसे टाला न जा सके

29-Wobbly- moving unsteadily अस्थिर

30-Haunting- visiting again and again बार बार वापस आना

31-Exertion- physical attempts शारीरिक प्रयास

32-Cascades - waterfalls झरना

33-Oblivion- forgetfulness भूलना

34-Canoe- small boat छोटी नाव

35-Trout- fresh water fish मछली

36-Salmon- fresh water fish मछली

37-Deprived-- make separate वंचित करना

38-Slack- reduce कम करना

39-Vestige- remain अवशेष

40-Scare- frighten भयभीत होना

41-Sensation- feelings एहसास

42-Residual- remaining बचा हुआ

43-Brush aside- to ignore अनदेखा करना

44-Trails- path on hills पहाड़ी रास्ते

Open this link get Questions and answers and other important study Materials 

Ch-2 Lost Spring  Flamingo

Ch-1 The Last Lesson Flamingo

Of Journey to The End of the Earth 

Ch-1 Third level question answer

Ch-3 A Journey To The End Of The Earth

Ch_4 The Enemy

Flamingo ch-1-4 all Annotations MzKwQ?si=Of_hANN9Vqm2bgBE

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          English confluence

                By clgautam

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