Class 12. Eng.Core Vistas Ch-5 Should Wizard Hit Mommy? Annotations/Vocabulary Message Characters explanation Questions and answers
Ch-5 Vistas
Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
John Updike
1-Nap -short sleep (अल्प निद्रा)
2-Custom- habit/ practice (रीत रिवाज)
3-Slight -a little (मामूली)
3-Variations- change (परिवर्तन)
4-Wizard- magician (जादूगर)
5-Magic spells- magic effect (जादुई प्रभाव)
6-Fatiguing- tiring (बहुत थका देने वाला)
7-Futile- useless (निरर्थक)
8-Bump- swelling (उभार)
9-Sifting- scattering (छन कर आना)
10-Shades- curtain (पर्दे)
11-Fantastic- fanciful (काल्पनिक)
12-Squeezed- pressed hard (दबाना)
13-Skunk- a kind of animal (अमेरिका का एक छोटा मांस भक्षी जीव)
14-Stirred- inspired (प्रेरित किया)
15-Solemnly- seriously (गंभीरता पूर्वक)
16-Stinky- smelling bad (बदबूदार)
17-Drooped- hang down (लटकना)
18-Trace- draw a picture (पिक्चर बनाया)
19-Tug- pull hard (खींचना)
29-Tensely- with tension (चिंतित)
21-Scrape -screeching sounds (घसीट ने की आवाज)
22-Enormous-huge (विशालकाय)
23-Relapsed- slid back (पहले वाली स्थिति में)
24-Insisted- stressed (दबाव)
25-Swamp- marsh (दलदली एरिया)
26-Rapped- knocked (थपथपाया)
27-Clenched-tightened (कस कर पकड़ा)
28-Thrill- excitement (उत्साहित)
29-Scrunching- twisted (मुड़ा हुआ)
30-Whining-wailing (रोती हुई आवाज में)
31-Rummage- searched (तलाशी करना)
32-Smugly- in self satisfied way (आत्म संतुष्टि)
33-Trance like- mystical absorption (सम्मोहन की स्थिति में)
34-Rapt- lost in thoughts (गहरी दिलचस्पी)
35-Crancy- irritable (विचित्र)
36-Trace- sign (चिन्हित )
37-Rumble-rolling sound (ऊंची ऊंची आवाजें)
38-Apprehensive- fearful/worried (चिंतित)
39- Worldviews- views of the world (संसार की एक झलक)
40-Directing- guiding (मार्गदर्शक)
41-Dabbling- waving (लहराते हुए)
41- Astounded-shocked (आश्चर्यचकित)
42- Crouching- stooping (घुटने मोड़कर बैठते हुए)
43- Dessert- Sweet dish (एक प्रकार की मिठाई)
44-spank- hit someone on bottom (धीरे से मारना)
45- Smock- a chemise (शर्ट या कमीज)
46-Can- tin (बर्तन)
47-Tiptop-pointed end of the top (चोटी पर नुकीला सिरा)
48-Rheumy - watery full of tears (आंसू)
49- Gingerly- cautiously (सावधानी पूर्वक)
50-Tan- brown (भूरे कलर)
51-Emphasis- stress (दबाव के साथ)
52- Eventually- finally (अंत में)
53- Skittered off -Moved very quickly (तेजी से दौड़ना)
54-Feigning- pretending (बहाना बनाया)
55- Foreseen- predicted (पहले से जान लिया)
56- Heave- rising and falling movement (उठने गिरने की गति)
57-Wand- magic stick (जादू की छड़ी)
58-Pork chops-(सूअर का मांस)
59-Lima beans- pale green beans (एक प्रकार की फलियां)
60-Molding- decorative strips (सजावटी पट्टी)
61-Rails-(सहारा देने के लिए लगाई गई लकड़ी की छड़ी)
62-Crack of the day- light coming out of crack (दिन के प्रकाश का दरारों में से निकलना)
63-Tag-(पकड़म पकड़ाई)
64-Lacrosse- (गेम जो दो टीमों के द्वारा खेला जाता है)
65-Grin- laugh (हंसना)
Message -
Throughout this story Jack wanted to teach his daughter Jo about moral values, but his daughter Jo, who was just a child, reacted differently to the story's ending. She wanted the wizard to hit Roger's mother and let Roger smell of roses and not change him. This was a child's perspective of things.
Theme -the theme is Father narrates a story to his daughter to make her realise the importance of originality and individuality. It also suggests that no one should be ashamed of his natural attributes.
Jack-Jack. The protagonist of the story, Jack is a married man living with his pregnant wife Clare, their four-year-old daughter Jo, and their two-year-old son, Bobby. …
Roger Skunk
Roger Skunk's was a delightful child. His only problem was that he smelled awful. As a result nobody liked to befriend him and play with him. He got rid of his bad smell with the help of wizard who cast a magic spell to change the smell into that of roses.
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