Class 12th ENG.Core.VISTAS CH-7 EVANS TRIES AN -O -LEVEL IMP.ANNOTATION, Vocabulary , Message Characters, theme
By Collin Dexter.
1-Procedure-method प्रक्रिया
2-Concert-Musical Performance सांगीतिक प्रस्तुति
3-Imitation - copyingनकली करना
4-Congenital-inherited जन्मगत
5-Cell- lockup तहखाना
6-Objections- complaintआपत्तियां.
7-Invigilate- superviseनिरीक्षण करना
8-Chuckled- laughed quietly दबी हुई हँसी
9-Reiterated -repeated दोहराया
10-Cradled- placed back पालने की तरह झुलाना
11-Escape- run away, get free मुक्त होना
12-Establishment-setting up स्थापना
13-Resist-withstand संघर्ष करना
14-Persistent -continuous निरंतर
15-Recreation -relaxation विश्राम
16-Admire-praise प्रशंसा
17-Grubby- dirty गंदा
18-Bunk--narrow bed attached to the wall चारपाई
19-Burly-large and strong man बलवान
20-Surly-bad-tempered असभ्य 21-Recruited-- appointed भर्ती
22-Curtly-short संक्षिप्ततया
23-Ramrod-- here, a strict supervisor एक सख्त पर्यवेक्षक 24-Reluctant--unwilling अनिच्छ
25-Nail scissors--nail cutter नाख़ून काटने की कैंची …………
26-Leered--watched बुरी नज़र से देखना 27-Contemptuous--disrespectful तिरस्कारपूर्ण
28-Shrugged--disregarded उपेक्षित 29-Compassion---sympathy दया 30-Spattered--splash छींटे उड़ाना. 31-Authentication--verifyप्रमाण
32-Guild--association संघ association, Federation, confederacy
33-Scheduled--planned or fixed अनुसूचि
34-Vigorously--stronglyज़ोरों के साथ
35-Vaguely--roughly अस्पष्ट रूप से
36-Conceded--admit स्वीकार किया 37-Lodge--gate house लॉज
38-Clanging-- make a sound झनकारना
39-Peep hole --keyhole, opening झरोखा
40-Sprang-past of spring स्ट्रिंग का अतीत
41-Clotting-harden कठोर बनाना
42-Chisel-a long bladed hand tool छेनी
43-Potential possible संभावित
44-Unwittingly -unknowingly बेइरादा
45-Hostage-captive बंधक
46-Frisk-check तलाशी करना
47-Riffle-turning pages quickly पृष्ठों को जल्दी से बदल रहा है
48-Sorely- with a great intensity, strongly अत्यधिक
49-Haemorrhoids-a swollen vein a group of veins
50-Semi inflated-half filled with air अर्ध फुलाया
51-Hitherto- earlier/until now अब तक
52-Amiable- friendly मित्रवत
53-Demeanour-manner आचरण
54-Ruffled-disarrange अव्यवस्थित 55-Embarrass- unease शर्मिंदा करना 56-Staccato-a short musical note असंबद्ध रीति .
57-Scots-another term for scottish स्काटलैंड का निवासी …………..
58-Stare-gaze घूरना
59-Askew-tilted तिरछा
60-Semi profile-partly turned अर्ध प्रोफ़ाइल ………..
61-Amateurish-beginner किसी विषय में अनिपुण
62-Meticulously-carefully पूरी बारीकी से
63-Manicured -well cared हाथ तथा नखों की चिकित्सा .
64-Crackled- crack, sizzle भड़कना
65-Parky-cold ठंडा
66-Frowned- make a face नाक-भौं चढ़ाना
67-Fishy-doubtful thingसंशय युक्त
68-Suffocate- breathless घुटन होना
69-Revert-return to वापस लाएं
70-Gnawed- chew कुतरना
71-Distinguished-differentiate विशिष्ट
72-Foster-support प्रोत्साहन देना
73-Sprawl-lie back विश्राम करना
75-Awash-flooded, covered भरा हुआ
76-Veiled-face covering पर्दे में
77-Feeble-weak कमज़ोर
78-Seeping-flowing रिसाव
79-Grin-smile मुसकान
80-Trailed- stream राह निकाल लेना
81-Splash-A dashing sound of liquid छप छप
82-Grasp-hold पकड़ना
83-Streaked- lined caked रेखादार
84-Perplexed -puzzled हैरान
85-Ruefully- sorrow उदास होते हुए
86-Superimpose-place over another मिलाना
87-Dredge- clear स्पष्ट
88-Crescendo -the loudest point of a sound क्रेसेंडो ……….
89-Squeal- cry चिल्लाहट
90-Swung- wave लहराना
91-Detective -investigator जासूसी
92-Tarnished -stained कलंकित
93-Bewilderment-confusion हैरानी
94-Leap- jump over छलांग
95-Darted- moved quickly झटपट चल पड़ना
96-Gravel--stones कंकड़
97-Groggy-- drinker शराबी
98-Bound-- tied up बंधा हुआ
99-Stroll-- walk सैर
100-Wreckage -remains अवशेष 101-Allergic-- sensitive एलर्जी
102- Fiddling-- petty annoying thing घृणास्पद
103- Glimpse--- quick look झलक
Vigorously-ज़ोरों के साथ
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Riveted-आकर्षण या रुचि को बनाए रखना
The story describes the conflict between the criminal and the law imposing authorities and how a sharp criminal manages to escape from the prison fourth time befooling the prison officials. It shows the lack of intelligence, alertness and sharp – wittedness on the part of the prison authorities.Evans Tries an O Level' is a clever escape planned by a convict on the pretence of taking a language exam in prison. The convict even after being caught, still has the last laugh and makes his escape.
Character sketch of Evans
Evans, also referred to as "Evans the Break," was a cunning burglar. He began as a non-violent kleptomaniac, but after being detained numerous times, he turned out to be a thief. He was cunning enough to break out of the prison up to three times, though. He had a great sense of humour and was friendly.
Stuart Mcleery Reverend Stuart McLeery, a parson at St. Mary Mags, is sent to Oxford Prison to act as a proctor for Evans's O-level German exam. He has a short, choppy haircut and wears a clerical shirt and collar, glasses, and a long coat.
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