HOMOPHONES Vs HOMOGRAPHS a word that is pronounced the same as another word but that has a different spelling and meaning
Homographs are words with the same spelling but having more than one meaning. Homographs may be pronounced the same (homonyms), or they may be pronounced differently
(A homograph is a "word of the same written form as another but of a different origin and meaning." (buck-buck). Following list tells you the use of homographs in sentence (A)Male deer and. (B) jerk/ kick,depicting different meanings.
Homograph -ऐसा शब्द होता है जिसके एक से अधिक अलग-अलग अर्थ होते हैं same spelling but different meaning (homograph )वाले शब्दों का उच्चारण कई बार अलग-अलग होता है एवं कई बार एक समान होता है होमोग्राफ्स की विभिन्न अर्थों का ज्ञान छात्रों को अच्छी तरह Vocabulary हेतु आवश्यक है छात्रों को इनका अध्ययन ध्यानपूर्वक करना चाहिए l
1-Arms - Hands, body organs(भुजाएं/ हाथ)
Arms - weapons(हथियार)
2-Bat - wooden bat(बल्ला)
Bat - bird(चमगादड़)
3-Bank -where we deposit money(बैंक)
Bank- edge (किनारा)
4-Ball- a round object used to hit(गेंद )
Ball-dance party (नृत्य सभा)
5- Bark - a loud noise of dog(भौकना)
Bark - a thin layer of tree(छाल)
6- Bright-shining (चमकीला)
Bright-intelligent (बुद्धिमान)
7-Block-to prevent something to pass(बंद होना)
Block - region(क्षेत्र)
Block-Group of building (मंजिल)
8-Back -backbone(पीठ)
Back - to return(वापस )
Can - box (डिब्बा)
Can- modal (सकता है)
10-Calf - a young of cow(बछड़ा)
Calf- a portion of lower leg (पैर की पिंडली)
11-Corn- maize corn (मक्की दाना)
Corn- a small painful area of hard skin on toe (पैर का गोखरु)
12-Date- a fruit (खजुर)
Date- particular day of the month (तारीख)
13- Dart- to throw suddenly(फेंकना)
Dart- to pounce(झपटना)
14-cell- a small room( छोटा कमरा)
cell- cells on skin (कोशिका)
Cell- battery (घड़ी की बैटरी)
Cell- a hole (बिल)
15- Fly -to soar(उड़ना)
Fly-a small insect with two wings (मक्खी)
16- Fine-good (अच्छा)
Fine -penalty (जुर्माना)
17-Fair -traveling show (मेला)
Fair - free from bias(साफ)
18- Fast-eat no food for certain a time (व्रत)
Fast -quickly(तेज)
Fast-close/deep (घनिष्ठ संबंध)
19- Face - front part of your head(चेहरा)
Face - to tackle(सामना करना)
20-Hand-part of your body (हाथ )
Hand-to give/to help (सौंपना)
21- Head- above part of your body(सिर)
Head- chief/head (मुखिया)
22- Kid - a child(बच्चा)
Kid- young of goat (बकरी का बच्चा)
23-Kind- benevolent (दयालु)
Kind -types(प्रकार)
24-Left -your left hand(बांया हाथ)
Left- remaining part (बचा हुआ)
25- Like- to feel attraction (पसंद करना)
Like- similar (के समान)
26-Land -surface of the Earth ( जमीन)
Land- come down(उतरना)
27- Mean- inferior(घटिया किस्म का)
Mean-selfish (मतलबी)
28- Might - powerful(ताकतवर)
Might -past of may ( सकता था)
29- Miss- to remember ( याद करना)
Miss - unmarried girl(कुमारी लड़की)
30-Pupil- desciple (शिष्य)
Pupil -eye ball(आंखों की पुतली)
31- Pound - english currency(करेंसी)
Pound- one fourth of kg( एक पाव)
32-Point-indicate (इसारा)
Point-sharp pointed (नोंक)
33-Play-drama (नाटक)
Play - to entertain ( खेलना)
34-Palm- a tall straight tree🌴 (एक पेड़ का नाम)
Palm - flat surface of your hand(हथेली)
35- Page- One side of paper ( पृष्ठ)
Page- messenger (नौकर)
36- Part-to separate (अलग करना)
Part- a piece of something (एक हिस्सा)
37- Rose- a pink rose 🌹 (गुलाब का फूल)
Rose- to get up ( उठना)
38-Stand- to get up (खड़े होना)
Stand -place/ to support(कोई जगह)
39-Strike- to hit (मारना)
Strike - to refuse to work until case is improved( हड़ताल करना(
40-Stick- a hockey stick( छड़ी)
Stick- to fix something to something(चिपकना)
41-Train-A type of transport pulled by an engine (ट्रेन)
Train- to teach someone to do something (अभ्यास कराना)
42-Watch- to look at (देखना)
Watch-a type of small clockघड़ी(
43-Well- in a good way (अच्छा महसूस करना)
Well- under ground water 🕳️ (पानी का कुआं)
44-Leaves - to depart(रवाना होना)
Leaves -a green part of a plant 💚(पत्तियां)
45-Seal- to close (बंद करना )
Seal- a type of fish (सील मछली)
46-Mitune- very close observation(बारीकी से/
Minute-60 seconds of time (मिनट)
47-Right -right hand(दाया हाथ)
Right - exact(बिल्कुल ठीक)
48- skip- leap over lightly(कूदना)
Skip - to omit(मिस आउट)
49- Bear- tolerate (सहन करना)
Bear -wild brown hairy animal(भालू)
50- Resume - to start(शुरू करना)
Resume - documents(डाक्यूमेंट्स)
Antonyms 1- 100
Daily uses Sentences
English Confluence
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