Lesson Plan XII ENGLISH. Ch-3 DEEP WATER BY WILLIAM DOUGLAS Flamingo, With Introduction, Development, Summation Outcomes, Methodology, Evaluation strategy, resources Extended activities
SESSION - 2023-24
CLASS -XII. Date-022/04/024
Subject- English. No of Period: 6
NCERT BOOK - Flamingo
Topic. Ch-3 DEEP WATER by WILLIAM Douglas
Date of Commencement: .22th April.2024
Expected date of Completion: 27th April 2024.
Weeks 3rd
A-LIFE SKILLS- To develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills,
self-awareness *critical thinking, Understanding value,
Emotional thinking, decision Making
*concepts of Title
*Author’s biography
*Introduction of the chapter
*Paraphrasing of topic
*Explanation of passage
*summary/ theme/central idea
Literary devices/ irony
Evaluation Strategies-
1. Pen paper Test of mcqs
2. Activity, discussion followed by written work
3. Summarise all the steps in a flow chart.
4. Activity, based on mind map
5. Oral questioning and group discussion
6. Individual representation
7. Demonstration
Learning Outcomes
*The students will be able to:
to examine the biography of author
*able to read and understand the text
*able to give reflective answers
* to real meaning of hydrophobia/aquaphobia
* Understanding of childhood fear must be tackled properly.
Able to apply lengthy words in meaningful sentences.
*recall some event held in past
*able to correlate the story with real life.
*Application of challenges in life
Resources Used
*smart class/ touch board
*Mind map/ flow chart
*Green Board/ virtual class
*Ncert book/ reference book
*Notes/ YouTube Link
*Notebook/ practice paper
Period 1-2
Description about writer and Title of the chapter
educator will ask a few questions
What is misadventures
What is aqua phobia?
How one can remove his fear of water
Summation will be done by summarising and asking questions from the content covered.
Period 3-4
To assess students’ learning regarding last day’s reading, somequestions will be asked.
Development -
The Middle part of the story will be read,explained including discussion of difficult words and incidents
The covered topic will be discussed through smart class and group discussion
Period 5-6
Brief summary and essence of the story will be recalled
* What happened narrator at the age of 3-4?
*Where did he go along with his father?
*Do you have any fear of anything?
*pk testing
Reading and explanation of the last part of the story .
*What is YMCA?
*What is hydrophobia?
*What is autobiography
The complete story will be discussed through smart class and flow chart
Period 6-7
Asking a few questions from the chapter done before the execution of question answers is written
Implementation of the question answers in written.
recap of the story through verbal questioning
By asking a few questions related to the topic
Extended Activities-Ask students to read out the chapter,Do Questions and answers, Theme Message Characters explanation, on YouTube Link
Ch-3 Deep Water
Mind Map with highlighting main points of chapter
Multiple choice Questions ( very - very short questions/ one words )
Oral questioning, discussion & written work
Learners would have faced problem to learn difficult meaning. Teacher would make the meaning short according to students capability of learning
Most of the students were able to give correct answers.Few students were having a little bit doubt that way was sorted out
Lesson Plan Owner- CL GAUTAM
Head of Department inputs-
Ch-2 Lost Spring
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