Lesson Plan XII ENGLISH. Ch-4 The Rattrap by Selma Lagerlof Flamingo, With Introduction, Development, Summation Outcomes, Methodology, Evaluation strategy, resources Extended activities


        SESSION - 2024-25

CLASS -XII.               Date-023/04/024

Subject- English Core(301)

No of Period:   10

NCERT BOOK -          Flamingo 

Topic. Ch-4                THE RATTRAP 

Author           :          Selma Lagerlof

Date of Commencement: .23th April.2024               

Expected date of Completion: 3rd May,2024.

Weeks-  4 to 5th

A-LIFE SKILLS- To develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills,

self-awareness *critical thinking, Understanding value,

Emotional thinking, decision Making 


*concepts of Title

*Author’s biography 

*Introduction of the chapter 


*Paraphrasing of topic  

*Explanation of passage 

*summary/ theme/central idea

Literary devices/ irony 

Evaluation Strategies-

1. Pen paper Test of mcqs 

2. Activity, discussion followed by written work

3. Summarise all the steps in a flow chart.

4. Activity, based on mind map

5. Oral questioning and group discussion

6. Individual representation 

7. Demonstration With role play

8- Mock test 

Ch-4 Rattrap 



Learning Outcomes

*The students will be able to:

to examine the biography of author

*able to read and understand the text

*able to give reflective answers

* to real meaning of love and compassion 

* Understanding the loneliness of peddler and crofter 

Able to analyse lengthy words like bait, Kronor, 

*recall some event held in past

*able to correlate the story with real life.

*able to understand that goodness can be awakened through love and understanding 

*can recall the good qualities of edla   williamson

Resources Used

*smart class/ touch board 

*Mind map/ flow chart 

*Green Board/ virtual class 

*Ncert book/ reference book 

*Notes/ YouTube Link 

*Notebook/ practice paper

Period 1-2


 By Descriptions about the Title and Writer's biography  & character 

Sharing and asking about peddler s job

Development - Pkt  question of character 

Focussing on theme/main idea

Educator will ask a few questions

*What is the meaning of

Rattrap and bait. 

*background of the story

" from where did peddler get ideas about the being a Rattrap. 

*Summation - the summation of the topic will be done through smart class by highlighting gist of the story 

Period 3-4


Summary  & theme of the chapter will be discussed

lengthy words will be highlighted along with paraphrasing

brief description of vagabond and crofter's


Development - By explaining the textual paragraph through question/ answer 

*Why was crofter so loving and talkative 

* Did peddler expect such hospitality he had received from crofter's house?

* Why did crofter show his money

*Who does bossy stand for 

Summation - the summation of the topic will be done through smart class by highlighting some textual questions of the story 

Period 5-6


left part of the story will be continued 

Passage extract will be discussed through question answer 


*Educator will ask a few questions from the topic

* who was edla willmanson?

* Why was ironmaster so polite towards peddler 

? Why did peddler accept the invitation of edla willmanson 

Summation -

The read part of the story will be discussed by asking a few questions and given them gist to write at home 

Period 7-8


After paraphrasing the topic literary devices and irony and satire will be discussed some extract questions will be discussed 


The Middle part of the story will be read,explained including discussion of difficult words and incidents.

*the Rattrap story is the story of loneliness discuss

Summation Summation will be done by summarising and  asking questions from the content covered

Extended Activities-Ask students to read out the chapter,Do Questions and answers, Theme Message Characters explanation, on  YouTube Link 


Mind Map with highlighting main points of chapter 

Multiple choice Questions ( very - very short questions/ one words )

Oral questioning, discussion & written work


Learners would have faced problem to learn difficult meaning. Teacher would make the meaning short according to students capability of learning 

Most of the students were able to give correct answers.Few students were having a little bit doubt that way was sorted out 

Lesson Plan Owner- CL GAUTAM

Head of Department inputs- 

Ch-2 Lost Spring 





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