The Guide by R.K. Narayan
The Guide is a novel written in English by the Indian author R. K. Narayan.It was published in 1958.
The title of the novel, The Guide, has a double meaning, and Raju is in a sense a double character. As a tour guide and as lover, He also plays the role of Saint Swami.
Character Sketch of Raju
Raju is the protagonist of the novel "The GUIDE" written by an eminent Indian writer R.K.Narayan. He was born in Malgudi. He belongs to a lower-middle-class family, and lives with his mother after his father death. Raju goes to railway shop to
help his father.Raju is very smart and young, loving character.He is very famous and respected tour guide known as "Railway Raju." He loves talking and traveling to new places;
Raju's father is a modest shopkeeper in the town of Malgudi.Raju's mother is an uneducated, traditional woman and a devoted wife.She loves Raju more than anything in the world.
GUIDE: As a guide Raju gets great fame. He becomes popular as Railway Raju. The tourists are impressed by him and his nature.
AS A BOY Raju is not interested in going to school.he has some talent as a guide. The customers traveling in and out of Malgudi station call him "Railway Raju"He helps the tourist and earn money.
LOVER: Raju is a great lover in the novel. When he first sees Rosie at Malgudi Railway Station, he at once falls in love with her. He at once agrees to fulfil her desire to see the dance of king cobra. As a lover he wins her heart. He regularly seduces her by flattering and paying her bold compliments. He has physical relationship with Rosie. As a lover Raju is bold and sincere also. When Rosie's husband turns her out of the house, Raju gives her shelter against his mother's desire. He sets Rosie as a great dancer. she actually changes her name Rosie to Nalini. She and Raju become immensely rich.
PRISONER: As a prisoner Raju proves himself as a model prisoner. His reputation in the jail is special. He developed good relations with the other prisoners.He enjoyed jail life fully. He became sad on the day of his release.
SWAMI: Raju's role as a Swami is very dramatic. After coming out of jail, he has no arrangement of food and lodging.He decides to play the role of a Swami.In this way his main problem of food and shelter comes to
an end.Due to some reason he was on fast. Due to fast Raju grows weak and at last he sinks in the river.
Traditional- परंपरिक
Prisoner -कैदी
Compliment -सम्मान
Reputation -इज्जत
Immensely -अधिक
Customer- ग्राहक
Influence -प्रभावित करना
Protagonist -नायक
Sinks -डूबना
Character sketch of Rosie/Nalini
Rosie : Rosie is the heroine of the famous novel " The Guide" Written by an eminent Indian writer and novelist
R.K. Narayan.She belongs to a dancer family, she is highly educated and is influenced by her husband,Marco and his background. She is presented in the novel as a beautiful dancer, of the Devadasi variety of temple dancers. She is like a traditional Indian wife. Her husband is like God to her.
She is a young and beautiful wife of
Marco.Rosie is the loving daughter of a dancer and therefore belongs to a lower caste. She did not marry Marco out of love but because of his social status. Though she is fond of dancing, she sets it aside when married to Marco because he does not approve. Their marriage is not very pleasant and Rosie begins to have an affair with Raju. When Marco came to know their relationship he turns Rosie out of the house.she actually changes her name Rosie to Nalini. She and Raju become immensely rich.
Raju gives her shelter against his mother's desire. He sets Rosie as a great dancer. she is able to get a job as a dancer and earn a wealthy income.
Rosie is a woman of independent thought and ambition.she behaves like a child.
she decides to pay Raju's debts and leaves him. She lives alone,
( English confluence)
Character sketch of Marco
Marco is the Side male character of the novel The Guide Written by a famous Indian novelist RK Narayan.
Marco is the husband of Rosie.
Marco is a serious, studious, scholar of ancient civilizations whose only passion is for his work. His research into the sites of ancient civilization has turned him into an eternal tourist, as evidenced by the traveler's clothes that he always wears.
Marco is Rosie's husband. He does not seem to like her very much unless she is being quiet and pliable, but when he married her he was clear on not having any caste expectations. He gives her what she wants most of the time but refuses to let her continue with dancing.Raju is his guide to caves in the Malgudi
when he finds out Rosie and Raju were having an affair. He refuses to have anything to do with Rosie and leaves town without her.
Character sketch Of Velan
Velan is a faithful, fervent man who believes in Raju's holiness and spends a great deal of time with him. He encourages other villagers to visit the Swami and soon Raju is rarely ever alone again. Though Raju confesses to him that he is not indeed a holy man and has done many bad things in his life, Velan still chooses to revere him and believe Raju's fast will cure the drought. It is Velan's unwavering faith that gives Raju the power he needs to try the fast for real.
Hamlet -
The Fire On Mountain
The Tempest
As You Like it
Antony and Cleopatra
English Confluence
PGT English
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