11th Eng Poem-3 Poem -3The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman ( HORNBILL) Introduction, Summary, Message, Theme
Poem -3
The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman
I. Introduction to the Poem
The Voice of the Rain is the statement of facts in an imaginary dialogue form. It traces the life-story of clouds. Clouds are the transformed shapes of water. They cannot be touched but are the saviours of Nature and all forms of life on the earth. The rain is the song of the Earth. The water moves in a definite order. It turns into light vapour, moves upward, wanders in the sky and finally returns to its birthplace lovingly. It is a boon for the dry earth and the drying vegetation. It removes all the layers of dust from every object. But above all, it waters the dry earth, enables the seeds to sprout, and makes everything clean as well as beautiful. The poet asks the question and the rain tells him all about its birth and end.
II. Complete Summary
The poet casually asks the gentle rain who she is. Surprisingly, the rain answers the question in detail and in human voice. The poet translates the statement of the rain into English.
The rain says that she is the song of Earth which is her birthplace and her mother. She is born out of the water bodies on the land and the vast sea. In the form of vapour, she rises upward, appears like dark clouds, cannot be touched, yet it stays on the sky for a short period before falling down in the form of rain. It follows the cycle of birth, growth and returns to its original form.
The rain serves a heavenly purpose. It fights drought (dry) conditions on the earth and waters the soil. It washes away the layers of dust and helps the seeds to sprout again. This cycle goes on eternally. It serves the divine function of giving back life to dry earth and drying plants. It makes all earthly things clean, pure, fertile and beautiful. It fulfils the purpose of its birth, its chain of duties and returns to the earth lovingly in water form. It doesn't bother whether its services are heeded/noted or not.
THEME-The central idea of the poem 'The Voice of the Rain' is to explore the beauty and power of nature through the perspective of rain. The poet describes the rain as a powerful force that has the ability to cleanse the earth, soothe our souls, and inspire creativity.
MESSAGE -The message the poem 'The Voice of the Rain' gives to the readers is the message of giving back to our source or origin. The rain receives life from the earth and its water bodies. It rises from the earth and forms into clouds in the sky; finally it falls back to the earth and its water bodies.
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