12th English Ch-2 Tiger King Annotations vocabulary
CLASS 12th English
Ch-2 The Tiger King
1-Strategic– calculated रणनीति-संबंधी
2.Stuka bomber- a German bomber aircraft that was used in the second world war स्टुका बॉम्बर
3.Indomitable -undefeatable अदम्य
4.Final abode- refers to the final residence of the soul – the heaven. अंतिम निवास
5-Demise— death मृत्यु
6-Foretold– predicted भविष्यवाणी
7-Compelled– forced मजबूर
8-Transfixed– cause (someone) to become motionless with horror. भय के साथ गतिहीन हो जाना।
9–Stupefaction– shock आश्चर्य
10-Enunciated –say or pronounce clearly. स्पष्ट रूप से कहना
11-Incredible– unbelievable अविश्वसनीय
12-Rumour– a report of uncertain or doubtful truth. अफवाह
13-Rife — widespread, prevalent प्रचलित
14-Hindsight– to understand an event or situation only after it has happened बाद में समझ आना
15–Proclamation– a public or official announcement घोषणा
16–Fling–throw फेंकना
17-Confiscated— taken with authority जब्त कर लिया
18-Ambition– a strong desire to do or achieve something. महत्वाकांक्षा
19-Bare–here, unarmed निहत्था 20-Firm—determined दृढ़
21-Resolve– decisionसमाधान करना
22-Boar- pig सूअर
23-Durai-tamil word meaning chief or leader ड्यूरेन
24-Carcass– the dead body of an animal. शव
25-Relented– relaxed his decision मान जाना
26-Deliberations-discussions विचार-विमर्श
27-Dispatched -sent– भेजना
28-Unforeseen– unplanned, accidental अनपेक्षित
29-Hurdle— problem बाधा
30-Standstill- stop ठहराव
31-Extinct- having no living members. मृत
32-Hara-kiri– a ritual of suicide practiced in Japan. आत्महत्या
33-Brandishing– waving as a threat or in anger or excitement धमकाना
34-Shuddering-tremble with fear भय से कांपना
35-Summoned- called बुलवाना
36-Investigate-find out जांच करना
37-Adorned– decorated सजाना
38-Fever pitch -extreme उत्तेजना की चरम सीमा
39-Anxiety- curiosity उत्सुकता
40-Tally-count गणना
41-Savage– uncontrolled अनियंत्रित
42-Wary– be cautious सावधान
43-Gloom– sadness उदासी
44-Dispelled– removed हटाना 45-Exemption–freedom छूट
46-Wantonly– carelessly लापरवाही
47-Flout– to go against something or someone अवज्ञा
48-Fury–anger क्रोध
49-Bafflement -confusion उलझन
50-Mounted— increased बढ़ा हुआ
51-Discontented– unhappy नाख़ुश
52-Catastrophic– causing sudden great damage or suffering आपत्तिजनक
53-Supplication- pray प्रार्थना
54-Elation– joy आनंद
55-Procession -parade जुलूस
56-Suppurating-a wound full of pus
Tiger King Questions and answers
The Tiger King is a satire of eccentric nature of the ruling class. From the ancient time,the kings, the sultans and the white men in power had been hunting birds and beasts in the forest. Their foremost target had always been the biggest and the strongest wild cat-the tiger. Hunting in the past was a fun, a pastime, a matter of pride for those in power. A stuffed tiger was a decoration piece in big drawing rooms. But today the fast decreasing number of tigers is causing a deep concern to environmentalists and nature lovers. Tigers are killed to meet the demand of the Chinese for medicinal purposes. The killers are professional poachers and the tribal people.
The Tiger King gives us the funny portrait of an Indian king who resolves to kill 100 tigers in order to disprove the prophecy of an astrologer. But the real hundredth tiger was in fact, killed by a hunter The king died of infection caused by a wooden tiger. In this way, the 100 tiger takes its final revenge upon the tiger king.
Draw a character-sketch of the Tiger King in your own words.
And.The.Maharaja of Pratihandapurain, Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, had many titles and sub names But he was popularly known as the Tiger King. At the time of his birth, the chief astrologer had predicted that his death would come from a tiger .Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. He was brought up by an English governess. He was tutored in English by an Englishman. When he was twenty years old, he took the reign in his hands.
The Maharaja continued his campaign of tiger-hunting with rare single-mindedness. Within a span of
ten years he killed 70 tigers. It was his master strategy to marry a girl of a state which had a large tiger
population. So he was able to kill 99 tigers in all.The Tiger King could pay any price to maintain his kingdom. He had to give a bribe worth three lakh rupees to a high ranking British official to retain his kingdom. At last, the hundredth tiger took revenge upon him.
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Tiger King Questions and answers
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