9th Eng The Happy Prince Vocabulary Annotations NCERT Based
Ch-5 The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde
1-gilded - to cover with gold
2- Sapphires - Kind of Gem
3-Column- A tall pillar
4-Hilt- handle of swords
5-Alighted- landed
6- Pity- mercy
7- Drenched - made wet
8- Set me up - placed
9- Worn- exhausted
10- Coarse -rough
11- Pricked - marked with small holes
12- Seamstress - lady tailor
13- Embroidering - decorating clothes with pattern
14- Satin- a type of clothes
15- Court ball- dance at court
16- Pedestal - base of a statue
17- Cathedral - Church
18- Sculptured- carved
19- Lantern - lamp
20- Mast- a pole to support the sails
21- Tossing - changing sides
22-Hopped- jumped
23-Thimble- a cap for finger
24- Slumber - sleep
25- steeple - top of the church
26- Commissions-business
27- Garret -very small room of the roof
28 Crisp- curly
29- Grate- fireplace
30- Darted -ran quickly
31- Flutter - movement of wings
32- Harbour - Port
33- Swooped - fly very low speed
34- Starving - dying of hunger
35- Rosier - brighter
36- Scarlet -red
37- Skated - moving on skated
38-murmured -whispered
39- Snapped - broke
40- shabby- dull
41-Foundry- a place where metal is melted
42- Overseer- supervisor
43-Prospect- possibility
44-Crumb- Piece of bread
45- Vessel - utensils
Ch-5 The Happy Prince
Questions and answers
The Happy Prince Summary, theme, message
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