The Adventure 11th Ch-5 Vocabulary Annotations, NCERT Based course
Chapter 7 The Adventure difficult word meaning
Vocabulary/Annotations: Ch-5 The Adventure
1- A considerably–a lot, काफी;
2-roared–screamed as it rolled on, शोर करती जा रही थी।
3-browse through–read for enjoyment, मन बहलाने के लिए पढ़ना;
4-Eventually– Finally, अंततः;
5-Assuming—taken for granted. मानकर चलना
6- Permits—permission slips, आज्ञा पत्र:
7- presume—think, guess. अनुमान लगाया
8-ventured—asked. पूछा
9-flavour—taste, स्वाद;
10-tiny—small, छोटे आकार का
11-Union Jack—the British flag,इंग्लैण्ड का ध्वज
12- Emerged—came out.बाहर निकला; 13-imposing—impressive,शानदार
14-proclaimed—announced, told,बताना ;
15- landmarks—notable signs or marks, विशेष स्थान
16-shocks—jerks, आघात;
17-wound up—finished, packed up,समाप्त हो चुकी थी
18-flourishing—prospering, पनप रही थी
19- blow—shock, आघात;
20-riddle—puzzle,पहेली ;
21-grabbing—eating, खाकर
22-evidently—it was clear, स्पष्ट था
23-occurred—taken place, घटित हुआ ; 24-converged—reached a point,पहुँचे 25-precise—exactly,सही –सही;
26- routed—defeated, पराजित हुआ 27-chased—pushed, भगाया गया ;
28-triumphant—victorious, विजयी
29-blow by blow account—systematic description, क्रमबद्ध विवरण ; 30-elaborated—worked out, gave, विस्तृत विवरण दिया ;
31-consequences—results, परिणाम ; 32-avidly—eagerly, keenly,रूचिपूर्वक; 33-Morale booster—promoter. मनोबल बढ़ाने वाल ा;
34-supremacy—lordship, प्रभुसत्ता;
35-shelved—put aside. एक तरफ कर दिया;
36-expansionist—widening its range of hold. विस्तार करना
37- relegated—pushed down, नीचे गिरा दिया गया
38- dismay—despair. निराश;
39-met its match—found its strong opponent. प्रबल विरोधी पाया
40-acumen—mental keenness.बुद्धि प्रखरता
42-expanded—spread, बढ़ाया
43-rivals—opponent, प्रतिद्वंद्वी;
44-puppet—weak, ineffective figurehead ruler, हाथों की कठपुतली
45- regime—rule, शासन;
46- de facto–virtual, real, वास्तविक;
47-astute—crafty. Shrewd. धूर्त, घाघ;
48-dawning—spreading, taking birth, जन्म लेता हुआ;
49-enterprise—bold undertaking. उधम;
50- transition—change, परिवर्तन;
51-wielded—exercised managed; 52-figurehead—a nominal head, rubber stamp, नाम मात्र का अध्यक्ष;
53-Outpost–चौकी 54-subcontinent—a land with several countries, उपमहाद्वीप; 55-lease—licence,पट्टी;
56-entertaining—interesting, रोचक;57-
56-graphic—vivid, विस्तृत;
58-doctored accounts—manipulated, untrue. असत्य विवरण;
59- melee–confused light,दंगा,भिड़ंत; 60- elite—select body, श्रेष्ठ योद्धा;
61- shoved—thrust, ठूँस लिया ;
62-absent–mindedly—unknowingly, अनजाने में ;
63-frugal—economical, सस्ता ;
64-stroll—walk, सैर ;
65-throng—crowd.भीड़ ,
66-mesmerised—hypnotized, सम्मोहित होकर ;
67-unoccupied—empty, vacant, खाली ;
68-stirred—moved. उद्वेलित कर दिया;
69- abolished—did away with, खत्म कर दिया
70-hostile—opposing, विरोधी 71-valiantly—bravely:
72-sacrilege—spoiling a holy place, अपवित्रीकरण 74-dumbfounded—speechless, confused,बेजुबान ;
75-collision—accident, टकराव;
76-Catastrophe theory-pertaining to a sudden ruin of calamity,विध्वंस वाली अवधारणा ;
77- implication–hidden meaning, निहित अर्थ ;
78-smugly–In a self satisfied manner, आत्म संतुष्ट भाव से ;
79-running amok–going mad. पागल की तरह दौड़ना;
80-Inadvertently–unknowingly, अनजाने में ;
81- omen–presage,शकुन ;
82-fantasy–imagination, कल्पना या अनुमान ;
83-motioned–told him by movement of hand, इशारा किया ;
84-obviously–clearly, स्पष्ट रूप से ;
85-strain–pressure, दबाव;
86-rationalise–to explain with reason, तर्क संगत व्याख्या करना ;
87-fantastic–odd,विचित्र ;
88- disparity–difference, inequality, अंतर ;
89-armour–a defensive covering, कवच;
89- juncture–the point of time, संकटकाल ;
90-melee–confusion, disorderly state of troops, भीड़भाड़;
91-crucial–critical, नाजुक ;
93-impetus–encouragement, momentum. प्रोत्साहन;
94-speculation–mental view, guess, अटकलबाज़ी;
95-manifestations–revelations, अभिव्यक्ति;
96-constituent–composing, संघटक;
97-; startling–surprising, चौंका देने वाला 98-predicted–told beforehand, पूर्वानुमान लगाना
99-Assertion–claim, affirmation, दावा
100-specified–definite, निर्दिष्ट;
101-quote odds–give stray examples; 102-determinism–definiteness;
103-quantum–the required amount or portion, मात्र;
104-Ignoramus–Ignorant, अज्ञानी ; 105-marshall–arrange suitably, क्रमबद्ध करना;
106- Interjected–Intervened, टोक दिया
107- radiation–throwing of rays, किरण फेंकना ;
109-pulse–throbbing, स्फुरण ;
110-viable–capable of living, practicable, व्यवहार्य
111-bifurcation–split in two parts,विभाजन ;
112- token—sign, mark, symbol, लक्षण चिन्ह;
113-neurons—nerve cells, तंत्रिकाएँ ; 114-trigger–a lever for firing a gun, घोड़ा ;
115-recounting—recalling. याद करना;
Ch-5 The Adventure -Questions And answers
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