12th Eng Ch-8 Going Places ( Extracts Fully Solved) Flamingo
Ch-8 Going Places by AR Barton
Extract 1-
He was kneeling on the floor in the next room tinkering with a part of his motorcycle over some newspaper spread on the carpet. He was three years out of school, an apprentice mechanic, travelling to his work each day to the far side of the city. He was almost grown up now, and she suspected areas of his life about which she knew nothing, about which he never spoke. He said little at all, ever, voluntarily. Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground.
(a) Whom does 'he' stand for in the first line?
(b) What work is Geoff into?
(i) Workshop
(ii) Apprentice mechanic
(iii) Motorcycle shop
(iv) None of the above
(c) Where was Geoff's workplace?
(i) In the next lane from his house
(ii) 4 kms away
(iii) In the far side of the city
(iv) Near Sophie's school
(d) Give an antonym of 'spread.
(e) 'Voluntarily' means.
(f) Who is the author?
Extract 2
And she was impatient. She was conscious of a vast world out there waiting for her and she knew instinctively that she would feel as at home there as in the city, which had always been her home. It expectantly awaited her arrival.
a) Why was 'she' impatient?
(b) 'She would feel as at home there. What does 'there' refer to?
(i) Jansie's place
(ii) In her boutique
(iii) The romantic world
(iv) Her school
(c) Find one word for 'an action that is done without thinking.
(i) Waiting
(ii) Expectantly
(iii) Instinctively
(iv) Impatient
(d) Who is 'she' in the given extract?
(e) An antonym of 'impatient' is…..
(f) Who is Geoff?
Extract 3
There was a wooden bench beneath a solitary elm where lovers sometimes came. She sat down to wait. It was the perfect place, she had always thought so, for a meeting of this kind. For those who wished not to be observed. She knew he would approve.
(a) Where was a wooden bench?
(i) In the park
(ii) In the arcade
(iii) Under a large tree
(iv) None of the above
(b) For whom did she sit to wait?
(i) Geoff (ii) Jansie (iil) Derek
(iv) Danny Casey
(c) Why was it a perfect place?
(d) What does 'elm' mean?
(e) 'He' in the last sentence is.
(f) Give an antonym of 'approve.
Extract 4
Here I sit, she said to herself, wishing Danny would come, wishing he would come and sensing the time passing. I feel the pangs of doubt stirring inside me. I watch for him but still there is no sign of him. I remember Geoff saying he would never come, and how none of them believed me when I told them.
(a) Who is 'l' referred to in the first line?
(i) Geoff (ii) Danny Casey
(iii) Sophie (iv) None of these
(b) What are the pangs of doubt she feels?
(i) Her father may be annoyed
(ii) Geoff will taunt him
(iii) Casey may not appear
(iv) None of the above
(c) What does she recall about her brother Geoff?
(d) There is no sign of……
(e) Where is 'l' sitting?
(f) Who is talking to whom?
Extract 5
United won two-nil and Casey drove in the second goal, a blend of innocence and Irish genius, going round the two big defenders on the edge of the penalty area, with her father screaming for him to pass, and beating the hesitant goal keeper from a dozen yards. Sophie glowed with pride.
(a) How is Casey described in the extract above?
(b) To which country does Casey belong?
(i) United States of America
(ii) England
(iii) Ireland
(iv) None of the above
(c) Why did Sophie glow with pride?
(i) Her father supported her
(ii) Casey beat the goal keeper
(iii) Geoff told the father about Casey's meeting with Sophie
(iv) None of the above
(d) A word similar in meaning to 'blend' is….
(e) Give an antonym of 'hesitant'.
(f) Which day of the week was it?
Extract 6
They wouldn't make you manager straight off soaf." "I'll be like Mary Quant," Sophie said. "I'll be a natural. They will see it from the start, I'll have the most amazing shop this city's ever seen."
(a) Who is the speaker in the first line?
(i) Jansie (ii) Geoff (iii) Sophie
(iv) None of the above
(b) When does this conversation take place?
(c) What does this conversation tell us about Sophie?
(i) She is a good planner
(ii) She is confident about her goals
(iii) She is a day-dreamer
(iv) She is a practical girl
d) Who will be like Mary Quant?
(e) A word from the extract which means 'wonderful' is……
(f) Name the lesson from which this extract has been taken.
Extract 7
Sophie glared at the ground. Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing. It was meant to be something special just between them
a) Why does Sophie glare at the ground?
(i) Her secret with Casey is open to Jansie
(ii) She falls into day-dreaming about Casey
(iii) She is thinking about Geoff
(iv) None of the above
(b) What was that Sophie didn't want Jansie to know?
(c) What does Sophie mean when she says, "This was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing?
(i) Jansie was not a good friend
(ii) Jansie was not good at keeping secrets
(iii) Sophie doesn't wish anybody to know about her meeting with Danny Casey
(iv) None of the above
(d) 'Glare' means
(e) Whom did Geoff tell about Sophie's meeting with Casey?
(f) Who is with Sophie at this time?
Extract 8
She climbed the crumbling steps to the street. Outside the pub she passed her father's bicycle propped against the wall, and was glad. He would not be there when she got home. "Excuse me, but aren't you Danny Casey?" Coming through the arcade she pictured him again outside Royce's.
(a) Who climbed the crumbling steps to the street?
(i) Sophie's mother (ii) Jansie
(iii) Sophie (iv) Geoff
(b) What did she notice while she was crossing the pub?
(i) Geoff's motorcycle
(ii) Casey's luxury car
(iii) Her father's bicycle
(iv) None of the above
(c) Why was Sophie glad?
(d) What did Sophie imagine about Danny Casey?
(e) Who is the author of the lesson?
(f) A word similar in meaning to 'arcade' is…
a) In the first line 'he' stands for Geoff.
(b) (ii) Apprentice mechanic
(c) (iii) In the far side of the city
(d) An antonym of spread is compress or abridge.
(e)proceeding willingly or from one's own choice
(f) A.R. Barton is the author.
Extract 2
a) She was impatient to know Geoff's secret world.
(b) (iii) The romantic world
(c) (iii) Instinctively
(d) Sophie is 'she' in the given extract.
(e) patient or calm.
(f) Geoff is Sophie's elder brother.
Extract 3
a) (iii) Under a large tree
(b) (iv) Danny Casey
(c) It was a perfect place because it had much privacy.
(d) Elm means a tall tree with broad leaves.
(e) Danny Casey
(f) An antonym of 'approve' is contradict or disagree.
Extract 4
(a) (iii) Sophie
(b) (iii) Casey may not appear
(c) Geoff warned him Danny would never come.
(d) Danny
(e) 'l' is sitting on a wooden bench beneath a solitary elm.
(f) Sophie is talking to herself.
Extract 5
(a) Casey is described in the extract as a blend of innocence and genius.
(b) (iii) Ireland
(c) (ii) Casey beat the goal keeper
(d) mixture or combination
(e) An antonym of 'hesitant' is confident or certain.
(f) It was Saturday.
Extract 6
(a) (i) Jansie
(b) This conversation takes place while coming home from school.
(c) (iii) She is a day-dreamer
(d) Sophie will be like Mary Quant.
(e) amazing
(f) This extract has been taken from the lesson 'Going Places'.
Extract 7
a) (i) Her secret with Casey is open to Jansie
(b) Sophie didn't want Jansie to know about her meeting with Casey.
(c) (ii) Jansie was not good at keeping secrets
(d) to look at somebody in a very angry way
(e) Geoff told Frank about Sophie's meeting with Casey.
(f) Jansie is with Sophie at this time.
Extract -8 DIY
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