9th Eng Ch-6 My Childhood by APJ Abdul Kalam, Vocabulary/Annotations

Ch-6  My Childhood by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 


1-Middle-class = average income, neither poor/rich (मध्य वर्ग)                   2- Island = land in water, isolated area (द्वीप),                        3-Erstwhile = former, previous (पूर्व),      4-Formal = official, customary (औपचारिक)  ,                       

5-Despite = in spite of, notwithstanding (के बावजूद)  , 6-Disadvantages = shortcomings, drawbacks (कमियाँ)                7-Innate = inborn, natural (जन्मजात)  8-Generosity = kindness, largesse (उदारता)  ,                                  

  9-Ideal = model, standard (आदर्श).   10-Helpmate = assistant, companion (सहायक)             11-Recall = remember, retrieve (याद करना)  ,                   12-Undistinguished = plain, common (सामान्य)           13-Handsome = attractive, fine (सुंदर)  14-Ancestral = hereditary, familial (पूर्वज)                              15-Limestone = calcite rock, white stone (चूना पत्थर)  16-Austere=simple, stern (सादा)  17-Inessential = non-essential, extra (अनावश्यक)             

  18-Luxuries = indulgences, extravagances (ऐश्वर्य)  ,        19-Secure = safe, protected (सुरक्षित)   20-Materially = tangibly, physically (वास्तविक रूप से)  ,     

  21-Emotionally = sentimentally, with feeling (भावनात्मक)  ,

22-Autobiography = life story, memoir (आत्मकथा)                  23-Tamil = Dravidian, from Tamil Nadu (तमिल)                    24-Wealth = riches, assets (धन). 25-Outsiders = non-members, strangers (बाहरी लोग)               

    26- Ancestral house = family home, heritage (पैतृक घर

  27-Brick = masonry, clay block (ईंट)               28-Comforts = amenities, facilities (सुविधाएं)  ,                                       29- Tamarind seeds = edible seeds from tamarind (इमली के बीज)          30- Provision shop = general store (राशन की दुकान)  ,           

    31-Princely sum = generous amount (आलीशान राशि) – as you provided  ,        

32-Anna = old Indian coin, six paise (आना) – as you provided 

33-Dinamani = Tamil daily newspaper (दीनमणि)                       34- Allied Forces = World War 2nd alliance against Axis (सहयोगी सेनाएँ)       35-State of emergency = crisis situation (आपात स्थिति)   36-Suspension = temporary stoppage (स्थगन)  ,       37-Dhanuskodi = tip of Rameswaram (धनुषकोड़ी)    38-Wages = payment for work (मजदूरी)           

    39-Socio-economic = relating to society and economy (सामाजिक-आर्थिक)  ,         

  40-Inherited = received by genetic transfer (विरासत में प्राप्त) 

41-Authority = influential figures (प्राधिकृत व्यक्ति)  ,                

42-pilgrims = Religious travelers (तीर्थयात्री)  ,                              

43-idols = Images for worship (प्रतिमाएँ)  ,                           

44-Prophet = Messenger of God (पैगंबर)  ,                       

  45-ceremony = Formal event (समारोह)                                          

46- pond = Small body of water (तालाब)  ,                          

47-elementary school = Basic school for early education (प्राथमिक विद्यालय)   

48-sacred thread – Ceremonial string, Religious band (जनेऊ)  ,

49-stomach – Tolerate, Bear (सहन करना)  ,                                

    50-priest – Religious leader, Cleric (पुजारी)  ,                      51-accordance – Conformity, Agreement (अनुसार)  ,      

52-downcast – Dejected, Despondent (उदास)  ,                                       53-lasting impression – Strong memory, Deep effect (चिरस्थायी प्रभाव)         

54-communal intolerance – Sectarian bias, Religious prejudice (सांप्रदायिक असहिष्णुता)  ,

55-apologise – Express regret, Seek forgiveness (माफी मांगना)  ,

56-regret – Feel sorry, Lament (पछताना)  ,                   

  57-conviction – Firm belief, Certainty (दृढ़ विश्वास)    

    58-reformed – Improved, Rectified (सुधारित).                                

    58- rigid – Strict, Inflexible (कठोर), 59-segregation – Separation, Division (अलगाव),              60-orthodox – Traditional, Conservative (पारंपरिक),           61-rebel – Dissenter, Non-conformist (विद्रोही),                                       62-barriers – Obstacles, Hurdles (बाधाएँ),                                            63- backgrounds – Origins, Histories (पृष्ठभूमि,                 64-mingle – Mix, Associate (मिलाना),      65-ritually – Religiously, Ceremonially (रस्म से),      66-perturbed – Disturbed, Anxious (चिंतित),                                  

67-serve – Cater, Provide (सेवा करना)     68-confronted – Faced, Encountered (सामना करना), 

69-optimism – Hopefulness, Positivity (आशावाद),           

    70-Statement - a respected politician 


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