The Interview by
Christopher Silvester
1- Invention - discovery खोज
2- Journalism- press reporting पत्रकारिता
3- Merits- virtues योग्यता
4- Vary- differ भिन्न
5- Considerably - enough पर्याप्त
6- Extravagant -profuse अत्यधिक
7-Despise- hate नफरत
8- Unwarranted - unjustified अनुचित
9- Intrusion - intervention हस्तक्षेप
10- Diminishes - reduce in size कम करना
11- Primitive - a very ancient प्राचीन
12- Portrait - picture चित्र
13- V S Naipaul - a famous writer एक लेखक
14- Lionized - made important प्रसिद्ध होना
15- Repel- drive away प्रतिरोध करना
16- Persistent - constant
17- Petitioners - applicants आवेदक
18- Autograph - a famous person signature हस्ताक्षर
19- Amusement - entertainment मनोरंजन
20- Condemnatory - criticism निंदात्मक
21- Wrecked - ruined नष्ट होना
22- Assault - attack आक्रमण
23- Vile- disgusting बुराई योग्य
24- Perpetrating - doing something wrong आचरण करना
25- Ordeal - tough experience कठिनाई
26- Windpipe - throat pipe श्वास नली
27- Drawbacks - shortcomings, lacking कमियां
28- Vivid- clear साफ
29- Contemporaries- living at the same time समकालीन
30- Unprecedented - which never happened before अभूतपूर्व
31- Convinced - satisfied संतुष्ट
32- Ethical - moral नैतिक
33- Interstice - interval खाली स्थान
34- Elevator -lift लिफ्ट
35- Non fictional - other than novel वास्तविक/(यथार्थ)
36- Scholarly - learned (विद्यानी)
37- Invariably - without exception
38- Consciously - knowingly
39- Dissertation- treatise, exposition(शोधपत्र)
40- Hypothesis- assumption
41- Contrary - Opposite विपरीत
42- Narrative - discriptive
43- Spectacularly - in a grand way
44- Seminal - new and important
45- Metaphysical - beyond the physical world
46- Theology - science of religion
47- Cathedral - church
48- Trash- something worthless
49- Pursue - act to achieve something
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