Class Test -25m XI English
Long Test
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions
A.. This child is built to my design
Yet what he loves I cannot share.
Silence surrounds us.
I would have him prodigal, returning to
His father’s house, the home he knew,
Rather than see him make and move
His world. I would forgive him too,
Shaping from sorrow a new love. 6m
Q1. What kind of child had he desired to design?
Q2. Why does the speaker say ‘this child’ not my child
Q3. Explain: ‘Silence surrounds us’.
Q4. What does the father want his son to do?
Q5. What is the father prepared to accept?
Q6. What does the father not want his son to do?
Q7. What would the father do to shape a new love from sorrow?
B. He could not walk and could not see,
So old (and therefore wise) was he-
But in a quavering voice he said,
‘The culprit must be punished.
Truly, the arch it was that banged
The crown is off, and it must be hanged’.
To the scaffold the arch was led When suddenly a Councillor said –
‘How can we hang so shamefully? What touched your head, Your Majesty?’
1 Who is ‘He’ in the first line? 4m
A) The King
B) Architect
C) The wisest man of the town
D) Mason
2 What did the oldest man advise?
A) To hang the king
B) To hang the mason
C) To hang the arch
D) To hang the subjects
3 Who has been referred to as ‘Your Majesty’?
A) The King
B) Architect
C) The wisest man of the town
D) Mason
4 What was ironic about the decision made by the wisest man?
A) Though wisest yet he gave the worst advice
B) Though wisest yet he gave the best advice
C) Though wisest yet he gave better advice
D) None of these
Q2. Answer the following questions any five 10m
A.What impression would you form of a state where the King was ‘just and placid’?
B.Suggest a few instances in the poem which highlight humour and irony.
C.There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician.’ Discuss.
D.Give a brief account of the efforts made by Andrew to revive the stillborn baby.
E.The lesson reflects the realities of modern times. The aged persons face problems and there is no end to it. How do you feel about it?
F.How far has the poet succeeded in transforming a purely personal matter to a universal experience prevalent in modern times?
Q3.You are Ali/Alia, Head girl / Head boy of your school. You are deeply disturbed by the rising cases of aggressive behaviour of students in your school. You decide to speak during the morning assembly about it. Write a speech on ‘Indiscipline in Schools’. (150 – 200 words) 5m
“Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career.” Write a debate either for or against the motion. (120 – 150 words) (5m)
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