
Lesson Plan XII ENGLISH. Ch-4 The Rattrap by Selma Lagerlof Flamingo, With Introduction, Development, Summation Outcomes, Methodology, Evaluation strategy, resources Extended activities

E- LESSON PLAN FOR-XII ENG.         SESSION - 2024-25 CLASS -XII.               Date-023/04/024 Subject- English Core(301) No of Period:   10 NCERT BOOK -          Flamingo   Topic. Ch-4                THE RATTRAP   Author           :          Selma Lagerlof Date of Commencement: .23th April.2024                Expected date of Completion: 3rd May,2024. Weeks-  4 to 5th A-LIFE SKILLS - To develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, self-awareness *critical thinking, Understanding value, Emotional thinking, decision Making  Sub-Topic - *concepts of Title *Author’s biography   *Introduction of the chapter  * Vocabulary * Paraphrasing of topic   *Explanation of passage...

12th Eng. 5 Solved Extracts The Last Lesson CBSE Based

The Last Lesson by Alphonse Doudet  Extract -1 But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their places, and M. Harnel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. 1. With inference from the passage counted on means (a) To count numbers (b) To depend on (d) To think (c) To borrow 2. Find the analogy of 'movement 3. Why did the narrator want to reach his desk without being seen? (a) He was afraid of the enemy soldiers (b) He was afraid of being caught by the teacher (c) He was afraid of his classmates (d) He was afraid of his mother 4. Why was everything quiet on a Sunday morning? 5. State True or False: The statement: "M. Hamel walking up and down" means that he was walking on the wall of the classroom. 6. 'Still in the passage confers': (a) calmness(b) drilling (c) lec...