
INDIGO BY Louis Fischer




1-Convention agreement समझौता

2-Delegates Representatives प्रतिनिधियों

3-Peasant small farmer किसान

4-Emaciated- thin'lean दुर्बल

5-Champaran -A place in Bihar चंपारण ………….


7-Committed -dedicated प्रतिबद्ध

8-prop -support सहारा

9-Haunches -thighs जमीन पर बैठना

10-Boarded -get on, enter चढ़ना

11-Pestered -bother, harass.   कष्ट देना

12-Permitted -allowed अनुमति है

13-Imparting -pass on, giving प्रदान

14-Extraordinary-exceptional, remarkable असाधारण

15-Harbour- here, entertain विचार करना

16-Sympathy -support, pity सहानुभूति

17-Advocate- supporter, protector समर्थक

18-Advent- arrival आगमन

19-Conveyance-transportation.   वाहन

20-Chided-criticize, scold डांटना 21-Conclusion -result, end of something निष्कर्ष

22-Fear stricken-afraid भयाकुल

23-Arable--land suitable for farming कृषि योग्य. 24-Tenants--occupants paying rent in cash or kind किरायेदारों

25-Estate--property जायदाद

26-Compelled- forced मजबूर

27-Surrendered--to give in आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया

28-Contract-- agreement अनुबंध

29-Indigo--plant that produces a blue color नील

30-Learned--come to know सीखा 31-Synthetic-- Chemical based, artificial कृत्रिम

32-Compensation--payments मुआवजा 33-Arrangement--Process व्यवस्था

34-Irksome--irritating कष्टप्रद .

35-Resisted--opposed, विरोध

36-Thugs--cheats ठग

37-Illiterate--uneducated अनपढ़

38-Proceeded--begin a course of action बढ़ती करना

39-Bully--trying to harm others तंग करना

40-Forthwith--immediately, at once तुरंत

41-Accompanied--go along with someone साथ

42-Multitude-- a large number of people भीड़ .

43-Investigations---inquiries जांच

44-Maltreated--ill treat दुर्व्यवहार करना 45-Superintendent--Manager, supervisor प्रबंधक

46-Overtook-- went ahead of him आगे निकल जाना

47-Complied-- followed or obeyed अनुपालन 48-Consequence--result परिणाम

49-Influential-powerful प्रभावशाली

50-Wired--Telegraphedतार देना 51-Merely-- only केवल

52-Authorities--officials, power प्राधिकारी 53-Spontaneous--voluntary, unforced स्वाभाविक 54-Demonstrations---protest प्रदर्शनों 55-Courthouse--court building अदालत

56 -Liberation--release मुक्ति

57-Concrete-- solid ठोस

58-Hitherto--Earlier, Previously अब तक

59-Dreaded-regarded with great fear or apprehension खूंखार

60-Unquestioned--not examined or inquired into निर्विवाद  

61-Baffled--confused विस्मित कर

62-Self Reliance--self sufficiency, self support आत्मनिर्भरता

63-Postpone-- delay स्थगित करना 64-Apparently --seemingly, evidently जाहिर तौर पर

65-Guilty--at fault दोषी

66-Conflict-- to be against someone टकराव

67-Humanitarian--Concerned with human welfare मानवीय

68-Conscience--sense of right and wrong अंतःकरण

69-Magistrate--civil officer who administers law मजिस्ट्रेट

70-Pronounce--declare or announce निर्णय सुनाना

71--recess--break अवकाश

72-Reconvened--to start again after a small break फिर इकट्ठा हुआ

73-Liberty--- free स्वतंत्रता

74-Vehemently-in an intense manner आवेगपूर्ण

75-Conferred-- granted प्रदत्त 76-Injustice--- unfairness अन्याय

77-Withdrew-- left हट जाना

78-Upshot---- result, conclusion परिणाम

79-Consultations---discussion विचार-विमर्श

80-Desertion-- action of leaving a place, organization etc परित्याग 81-Lieutenant Governor: deputy governor लेफ्टिनेंट

82-Province--- region, territory भूमिखंड

83-Civil Disobedience-- peaceful form of political protest सविनय अवज्ञा

84-Triumphed--won विजय

85-Grievances --complaints शिकायत 86-Depositions---a formal written statement बयान

87-Evidence--- proof सबूत

88-Pacifist----- Peace maker शांतिवादी

89-Investigators---the inspectors जांचकर्ता

90-Vehement---showing strong feeling; forceful,passionate, or intense. जोशीला

91-Leading--- prominent, popular प्रमुख

92-Associates --supporters सहयोगी 93-Protracted --lasting for a long time फैला 94-Abstractions--something which exists only as an idea कपोल-कल्पना 95-Initial--at the start प्रारंभिक

96-Uninterrupted--continuous निरंतर

97-Entreaty---an earnest or humble request विनती

98-Assembled --gathered इकट्ठे 99-Deceitfully--dishonestly छल से 100-Extorted-- took forcibly जबरन वसूली

101-Adamant--firm अटल

102-Amazement--surprise विस्मय

103-Obliged--- required, made legally bound to do something आभारी

104-Deadlock--a situation in which no progress can be made गतिरोध

105-Unanimously---without opposition सर्वसम्मति से

106-Prestige--honour, esteem प्रतिष्ठा

107-Defenders --protector रक्षक

108-Justified---marked by a good or legitimate reason उचित

109-Intertwined---knitted गुंथा 110-Alleviate-- uplift कम करना 111-Reverted-- returned वापस लाया गया

112Contented --willing to accept something, satisfied संतुष्ट

113-Residents--locals निवासी

114-Volunteer--a person who offers his service free of cost स्वयंसेवक

MESSAGE -Indigo" is that wise and courageous leadership, represented by Rajkumar Shukla and Mahatma Gandhi, can resolve any problem. It encourages individuals to take a stand against injustice and work towards a better is not impossible to conquer and win over the powerful. If the people get together and fight against injustice, no power in the world can stop them from achieving what they desire.

THEME how effective leadership can overcome any problem as shown by Mahatma Gandhi in securing justice for the oppressed in Champaran through convincing arguments and negotiation.Indigo is about how Mahatma Gandhi struggled for the underprivileged peasants of Champaran. They were the sharecroppers with the British planters

Gandhiji-Gandhi believed in living a simple life. He wanted a simple life, with only the necessities that he needed. Even though he was a barrister (a lawyer), he had no arrogance. He dressed like a poor person and he only wore clothes that were homespun, made out of khadi (cotton).He launched the first satyagraha movement in India in order to fight against the injustice meted out to the peasants of Champaran. The novel method of Satyagraha was to be deployed with great effect in Champaran and is considered a historically important rebellion in the Indian freedom struggle.

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