9th Eng Ch-4 The Lake Isle Of Innisfree Vocabulary/ Annotations/Poetic devices
Poem -4 The Lake Isle Of Innisfree by William Buttler Yeats
Innisfree- an island within loughGill in ireland (इनिसफ्री);
1- Cabin = small hut, tiny house (कुटिया);
2- Clay = thick wet mud, earthy material (मिट्टी);
3-Wattles = tree branches, sticks (डालियाँ);
4-Bean = a vegetable, legume (सेम); 5-Hive = structure made by bees, bees’ nest (मधुमक्खी का छत्ता); 6-Honeybee = a stinging winged insect that collects nectar and pollen (शहद की मक्खी);
7-Glade = grass-covered area without trees, (घास का मैदान);
8-Peace = calm, tranquility (शांति); 9-Veils = thin cloth covering something, layers (परदा);
10-Cricket = an insect, chirping bug (जिंगुर);
11- Glimmer = weak light, faint shimmer (झिलमिल);
12-Purple = dark reddish-blue color (बैंगनी रंग);
13-Glow = shine, brightness (चमक);
14-Linnet = a small grey and brown bird with short beak (लिन्नेट पक्षी);
15-Lake = large body of water on land (झील);
16-Lap = hit gently, touch softly (हलके से मारना);
17-Shore = edge, bank (किनारा); 18-Roadway = path for vehicles (रास्ता);
19-Pavement = sidewalk, footpath (पथ).
20-Flutter - to flap the wings पंख फड़फड़ाना
21-Glimmer - shine faintly झिलमिल/टिमटिमाना
22-Tranquil - calmness शांति
23-Arise- get up उठना
Poetic devices Used
Alliteration – Repetition of consonant sound in closely placed words.
Hive for the honeybee – repetition of ‘h’ sound Lake water lapping with low – repetition of ‘l’ sound
Hear…deep hearts core- repetition of ‘h’ sound
Repetition – use of same words or phrases for sake of emphasis.
‘I will arise and go now’ – repeated in stanza 1 and 3.
Personification – giving human characteristics to non-living objects.
Morning -has been personified, as she lifts her veil of mist to reveal her bright face.
Assonance – repetition of vowel sound.
Gonow and go to – repetition of ‘o’ sound
Metaphor – indirect comparison between two objects or ideas to denote similarity.
Veils of the morning -the white mists of the morning are compared to a lady’s veil
Onomatopoeia – a word that represents the sound it makes.
Lapping – the word represents the sound it is making.
Anaphora – Repetition of same words at the beginning of phrases, clauses or sentences.
I will arise
I hear the – repetition of the word ‘I’ in lines 9 and 10
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