
Showing posts from January, 2025

CLASS TEST-25 Marks Long Test,

Class 11.                 Sub- English.          Ch-2 The Address       MM-25.  Time - Zero Period                          Q1. Read the extracts and Answer the following questions given below  A.After my first visit in vain to Mrs Dorling’s house I decided to try a second time. Now a girl of about fifteen opened the door to me. I asked her if her mother was at home. ‘No’ she said, ‘my mother’s doing an errand. ‘No matter, I said, ‘I’ll wait for her.’ followed the girl along the passage. An old-fashioned iron Hanukkah candle- holder hung next to a mirror. 1 Who opened the door for the second time? A) Mrs. Dorling’s daughter B) Mrs. Dorling’s husband C) Mrs. Dorling’s mother D) Mrs. Dorling 2 What does the word ‘Errand’ mean? A) To bathe B) To eat out C) To go out for regular works D) To sit out 3 Find out the synonym of ‘Old-fashioned...

Rearrange/ Jumble the following Words onto meaningful sentences

Exercise -1 Q. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences: (1) Ramesh/the park/a boy/met/one day/in (2) was/old/young boy/seven years/the/only (3) asked/the nearest/he/bookstore/about/him (4) wanted/buy/he/to/books/a few (5) is/an/known/Jaipur/Pink City. (6) in the/are/building/city/in pink colour/ painted/most of the (7) have made / a popular / it / its / historical buildings / destination/ tourist. (8) go there / one / bus / from Delhi / can easily / by (9) wear / these / people / a majority / of / days / a watch (10) time / it / in / measures / seconds / and / hours / minutes (11) shapes / different / a wristwatch / sizes / and / is available /it (12) like / digital / while / prefer / wristwatches / mechanical ones / others / some people (13) easy/very/it/to open/it/was (14) to sleep/night/decided/every/they/a hotel/in (15) quickly/very/the clothes/they/and food/packed. (16) the/problem/bags/heavy/in carrying/ had/they Answers (1) One day ...

ASL Project. File/ Prompt, Role Play Topic 20M

Assignment For  ASL  (Spoken And Written in about 400-500 words) 1-You are Gourav/ Garima of Class XII ,Recently you have read the poem Keeping Quiet your friend is willing to know about the poem, share your feeling of poem, importance of keeping quiet in life, with your friend 2-You are Gourav/ Garima of Class XII ,Recently you have read the poem,  A Thing Of  Beauty, share your feelings with your friend about, What are the Things Of Beauty ?How it is a source of joy and pleasure in life? 3-How does M.Hamel address Franz and people? Why? Share your experience with your friend. 4-As Franz, share your feelings about M Hamel's Emotional feeling of last day with your friend. 5- you are Narrator Anees Jung(Lost Spring) You are very upset to see the grinding poverty of poor people, How they are struggling for their livelihood, Saheb and Mukesh are the example,share your experience with your friend  6-you have read the Chapter Deep Water,  As William Douglas, sha...

If I Were You Vocabulary, Questions and answers (9th Eng)

Ch-If I Were You Vocabulary 1-Lonely = solitary, अकेला ;  2-cottage = a small bungalow,छोटा बंगला ; 3-intruder = one who enters forcibly,घुसपैठिया ; 4-criminal =one who commits crime, अपराधी ; 5-bears = maintains, कायम रखना ;  6-resemblance = similarity,समानता ;  7-interior = inner part,आंतरिक भाग ; 8- entrance = door, दरवाज़ा ;   9-consisting = made, बना हुआ ; 10- divan = a kind of bed, दीवान ;   11-Rimmed = frame,फ्रेम वाला ; 12- lounge = sitting room,बैठक ;  13-cultured = refined,सुसंस्कृत;  14-count on = depend on, निर्भर होना ;  15-engaged = busy, व्यस्त ; 16 flashily = in a gaudy manner,तड़क –भड़क से ; 17-bumps = strikes, टकराना , 18- accidentally = by chance,संयोग से ;  19-put those paws up = raise your hands, हाथ ऊपर करो ; 20-Melodramatic = sensational,सनसनीखेज ;   21-nonchalant= careless manner,लापरवाह ;  ; 22-crawl = creep, रेंगना  I 23- motions = gestures, इशारे ; 24- sympathetic = kind, दयालु ;  25- gyp...

Board Sample Paper ENG -2025-26

Sample Paper Sample Paper Eng.10th solved

Sample Paper -2025-26 ENG Core Board Paper

Sample paper - English Core 2024-25 Sample paper Sample paper Sample paper 12th solved Sample paper 12th with answers -2

The Beggar Vocabulary Question And answer

Ch-The Beggar 1-Lodging = accommodation, stay (ठहरने की जगह), 2. Intrigues = plots, schemes (साजिशें), 3.Calumny = slander, defamation (झूठा आरोप), 3. Mendicant = beggar, pauper (भिक्षुक), 4.Overshoes = shoe covers, galoshes (जूतों के ऊपर पहनने वाला आवरण),  5.Expelled = ousted, removed (निकाल दिया गया), 6.Mumbled = murmured, whispered (मुँह में गुनगुनाया),  7.Flushed = reddened, blushed (लाल हो जाना), 8. Advocate = lawyer, attorney (वकील), 9.Suppliant = pleader (याचक),  10. Ragged = tattered, worn-out (फटे हुए),  11.Province = region, territory (प्रदेश), 12.Ashamed = embarrassed, guilty (शरमिंदा), 13. Lying = untruthful, deceitful (झूठ बोलना), 14. Disgust = revulsion, aversion (घृणा) 15. Swindling = cheating, fraud (धोखा), 16.Fiction = made-up, falsehood (कल्पना),  17.Choir = singing group, (गायन दल), 18.Drunkenness =  intoxication (नशा), 19.Chop = cut, hew (काटना),  20.Scarecrow = thin, ragged person (भूसा डराने वाला पुतला),  21.Perplexity = conf...