9th Eng The Little Girl - Extract passage NCERT Based course

Ch-3The Little Girl - Katherine Mansfield 


1-Extract/Passage 1

"Kezia" Mother would call to her, "if you're a good girl you can come down and take off father's boots." Slowly the girl would slip down the stairs, more slowly still across the hall, and push open the drawing-room door.

By that time he had his spectacles on and looked at her over them in a way that was terrifying to the little girl.

(a) Mother would ask Kezia to……

(i) come down

(ii) take off father's boots

(iii) have a nice talk with father

(iv) both (1) and (ii)

(b) Kezia slips the stairs very slowly because………..

(c) Kezia was very fond of her father. (True/False)

(d) Find a word from the passage which is a synonym of 'petrifying'.

Passage EXTRACT -2

"Well, Kezia, hurry up and pull off these boots and take them outside. Have you been a good girl today?"

"I d-d-don't know, Father"

"You d-d-don't know? If you stutter like that Mother will have to take you to the doctor. She never stuttered with other people– had quite given it up – but only with Father, because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.

(a) Father asks Kezia to………

b) Why would Kezia stutter in the presence of her father?

(i) She felt under pressure to please her father

(ii) Her father's dominating personality shook her confidence.

(iii) She would struggle to find words while speaking to him.

(iv) All of these

(c) Kezia remains unaffected by her father's dominating attitude.


(d) Find a word from the passage which means 'to stammer.

Passage/ Extract 3

What did God make fathers for?" she sobbed. "Here's a clean hanky, darling. Blow your nose. Go to sleep, pet, you'll forget all about it in the morning. I tried to explain to Father but he was too upset to listen tonight" But the child never forgot

(a) Who does 'she' refer to?

(i) Kezia(ii) Mother

(iii) Grandmother (iv) Alice

(b) "Here's a clean hanky, darling." The speaker of these lines is……….

(c) Father was upset because…………..

(d) Find a word from the passage which means 'to cry'.

Extract/Passage 4

Looking through a gap in the fence the little girl saw them playing 'tag' in the evening. The father with the baby, Mao, on his shoulders, two little girls hanging on to his coat pockets ran round and round the flower-beds, shaking with laughter. Once she saw the boys turn the hose on him and he tried to catch them laughing all the time. Then it was she decided there were different sorts of fathers.

(a) Here 'them' refers to…….

(b) They were playing………….

(c) What can be inferred about the father mentioned in the passage?

(i) He was cheerful.

(ii) He played with his children.

(iii) He enjoyed his children's company.

(iv) All of these

d) She decided there were different sorts of fathers because……………

Extract/Passage 5

"What'll I do if I have a nightmare?" she asked. "I often have nightmares and then Grannie takes me into her bed-I can't stay in the dark-it all gets whispery "You just go to sleep, child," said Alice, pulling off her socks, "and don't you scream and wake your poor Pa”

(a) Who is Alice?

(i) Kezia's mother

(ii) Kezia's grandmother

(iii) The household cook

(iv) None of these

(b) When Kezia has nightmares, Grannie………..

(c) The nightmare was about……………..

(d) Find a word from the passage which means 'a horrible dream'.

Extract/Passage 6

On the bed-table she discovered a great many sheets of fine paper, gathered them up, tore them into tiny pieces, and stuffed her case, then sewed up the fourth side. That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father's great speech for the Port Authority had been lost.

(a) What did Kezia find on the bed table?

(i) Many sheets of paper

(ii) Many different coloured glaze paper

(iii) Many crayons

(iv) Some money

(b) What did she do to them?

(i) She threw them outside.

(ii) She gave them to her father.

(iii) She tore them and stuffed them into the pin-cushion.

(iv) She picked them and kept them in the cupboard.

(c) 'Hue and cry' means…….

(d) Father's great speech for the Port Authority had been stolen by a servant. True /False

Extract 7

Rooms were searched, servants questioned. Finally Mother came into Kezia's room. "Kezia, I suppose you didn't see some papers on a table in our room?" "Oh yes," she said, "I tore them up for my surprise" "What!" screamed Mother. "Come straight down to the dining-room this instant"

(a) What was being searched in the rooms?

(i) Father's speech for the Port Authority

(ii) A lost pin-cushion

(iii) A wade of notes (iv) A wallet

(b) Why did mother come to Kezia's room?

(i) She came to ask her about Father's speech for the Port Authority.

(ii) She came to ask her about the lost pin-cushion.

(iii) She came to ask her about the wade of notes.

(iv) She came to ask her about the lost wallet.

(c) ……….is a synonym of the word 'moment'.

(d) Kezia's mother ……..when she got to know the truth.

The Little Girl/ MCQS Multiple Choice Questions 


The Little Girl Summary Questions and answers 


Extract -1


A. (iv) both (i) and (ii)

B. she feared her father and tried to avoid him

C. False

D. Terrifying

Extract 2

a. hurry up and pull the boots off and to take them outside

b. (iv) All of these

C. False

d. Stutter

Extract 3

a.(i) Kezia

b. Grandmother

C. Kezia had torn the sheets of his Port Authority speech and stuffed them into the pin-cushion

d. Sobbed

Extract 4 

a. the Macdonalds

B. tag

C. (iv) All of these

D. Mr Macdonald was a jolly fellow, contrary to Kezia's father who was aggressive

Extract 5

A. (iii) The household cook

B. takes her into her bed

C. a butcher with a rope and a knife who came nearer and nearer

D. Nightmare

Extract 6

A. (1) Many sheets of paper

B. (iii) She tore them and stuffed them into the pin-cushion.

C. an angry protest


Extract 7

A. (i) Father's speech for the Port Authority

B.(i) She came to ask her about Father's speech for the Port Authority.


D. screamed


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