Ch-6 Poets And Pancakes Extracts Fully Solved 12th Eng Core CBSE/ NCERT

Ch-6 Poets And Pancakes by Ashokamitran 

Extract 1

 He was succeeded by a Maharashtrian who was assisted by a Dharwar Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-Burmese and the usual local Tamils. All this shows that there was a great deal of national integration long before A.I.R. and Doordarshan began broad casting programmes on national integration.

(a) Who was succeeded by a Maharashtrian?

(i) Dharwar Kannadiga (ii) A Bengali

(iii) An Anglo-Burmese (iv) None of these

(b) Who first headed the make-up department of Gemini studios?

(i) A Maharashtrian (iii) A Bengali

(ii) An Andhra (iv) An Anglo-Burmese

(c) Where was a great deal of national integration?

(d) Give an antonym of 'succeeded'.

(e) The full form of A.I.R. is

(f) Who is 'he'?

Extract 2

The players who played the crowd were the responsibility of the office boy-on the days when there was a crowd shooting, you could see him mixing his paint in a giant vessel and slapping it on the crowd players.

(a) Who held the responsibility of the crowd players?

(i) The senior assistant

(ii) The junior assistant

(iii) The office boy

(iv) None of the above

(b) What was the age of the office boy?

(i) In his teens (ii) Thirty years

(iii) In his early forties (iv) Twenty five

(c) What task was assigned to the office boy?

(d) Why did the office boy enter the studios years ago?

(e) A word from the extract which means 'a big container' is…….

(f) Give an antonym of 'giant.

Extract 3

Seeing me sitting at my desk tearing up newspapers day in and day out, most people thought I was doing next to nothing. It is likely that the boss thought likewise too. So anyone who felt I should be given some occupation would barge into my cubicle and deliver an extended lecture.

(a) Who is seen sitting at his desk? (1st line)

(b) What did the boss think?

(i) He was tearing up newspapers

(ii) He was mixing paint

(iii) He was doing next to nothing

(iv) None of the above

(c) Who would deliver him an extended lecture?

(i) His boss (ii) The legal adviser

(iii) Anyone who felt like (iv) None of the above

(d) Who is the 'Boss'?

(e) 'Barge' means

(f) Give an antonym of 'extended'.

Extract 4

The 'boy' in the make-up department had decided I should be enlightened on how great literary talent was being allowed to go waste in a department fit only for barbers and perverts. Soon I was praying for crowd-shooting all the time."

a) Whom does 'l' refer to?

(i) The office boy (ii) The narrator

(iii) The chief make-up man

(iv) The senior assistant

(b) What was the public opinion about the narrator's work?

(i) His talent was going waste

(ii) He was doing next to nothing 

(iii) His work was very important

(iv) None of the above

(c) What does the 'boy' want the narrator to be enlightened on?

(d) The 'boy' was a bit of………

(e) Find out a word from the extract which is close in meaning to 'to be made known or aware'.

(f) Why did 'I' pray for crowd-shooting?

Extract 5.

In all instances of frustration, you will always find the anger directed towards a single person openly or covertly and this man of the make-up department was convinced that all his woes, ignominy and neglect were due to Kothamangalam Subbu.

(a) Whose frustration is being talked about?

(i) The narrator's (ii) The junior make-up man's

(iii) The office boy's (iv) None of the above

(b) Who is 'this man of the make-up department' mentioned in the extract above?

(i) The chief make-up man

(ii) Chief's senior assistant

(iii) The office boy

(iv) None of the above

(c) His anger was directed towards a single person. Who is this single person?

(d) 'Ignominy' means

(e) Give an antonym of 'covertly.

(f) Who was Kothamangalam Subbu?

Extract 6

"Even in the matter of education, especially formal education, Subbu couldn't have had an appreciable lead over the boy. But by virtue of being born a Brahmin-a virtue indeed! he must have had exposure to more affluent situations and people."

(a) Why was the office boy always frustrated?

(i) He was never appreciated by his boss

(ii) His colleagues did not like him

(iii) He couldn't realise his dreams

(iv) None of the above

(b) In what matter could Subbu never have had a lead over the 'boy'?

(c) Choose the word similar in meaning to 'affluent.

(i) Prosperous (ii) Disaster

(iii) Lacking (iv) Inadequate

(d) An antonym of 'virtue' is

(e) Who is the narrator?

(f) What is the full name of Subbu?

Extract 7

Such a charitable and improvident man and yet he had enemies! Was it because he seemed so close and intimate with the Boss? Or was it his general demeanour that resembled a sycophant's?

(a) Whom does 'such a charitable' refer to?

(b) Who had enemies?

(i) The office boy (ii) The narrator

(iii) The one who was 'charitable'

(iv) All of the above

(c) Why did he have enemies?

(i) He was number 2 at Gemini studios

(ii) His behaviour was not good with people in Gemini studios

(iii) He was non cooperative

(iv) All of the above

(d) Find out a word from the passage which means 'flatterer'.

(e) 'Improvident' means…….

(f) Give an antonym of 'intimate'.

Extract 8

Like so many of those who were close to the Boss, he was allowed to produce a film and though a lot of raw stock and pancake were used on it, not much came of the film. Then one day, the Boss closed down the story department and this was perhaps the only instance in all human history where a lawyer lost his job because the poets were asked to go home.

(a) Who was allowed to produce a film?

(i) Kothamangalam Subbu (ii) The narrator

(iii) The office boy (iv) The lawyer

(b) Why did the lawyer lose his job?

(c) Name the author of the chapter from which this extract has been taken.

(i) Selma Lagerlöf (ii) Asokamitran

(iii) Christopher Silvester (iv) A.R. Barton

(d) 'Instance' means……

(e) Give an antonym of 'allowed'.

(f) Where does 'he' work?

Poetic and Pancakes 

Questions and answers 


POET And Pancakes Vocabulary Annotations 



Extract 1

(a) (ii) A Bengali 

(b) (iii) A Bengali

(c) A great deal of national integration was in the make-up department.

(d) An antonym of 'succeeded' is preceded.

(e) All India Radio.

(f) 'He' is a Bengali who was the first head of the make-up department

Extract 2

(a) (iii) The office boy

(b) (iii) In his early forties

(c) The office boy had to mix paint in a vessel and slap it on the crowd players.

(d) The office boy entered the studios years ago in the hope of becoming a star actor or a top screen writer, director or lyrics writer.

(e) vessel

(f) An antonym of 'giant' is tiny.


Extract 3

(a) The narrator is seen sitting at his desk.

(b) (iii) He was doing next to nothing

(c) (iii) Anyone who felt like

(d) The boss is the owner of Gemini studios.

(e) to enter rudely or push carelessly.

(f) An antonym of 'extended' is curtailed or reduced.


Extract 4

(a) (ii) The narrator

(b) (ii) He was doing next to nothing

(c) The 'boy' wants the narrator to be enlightened on that his great literary talent was going waste.

(d) a poet

(e) Enlightened.

(f) 'I' prayed for crowd-shooting because it could save 'I' from the boy's epics.


Extract 5

(a) (iii) The office boy's

(b) (iii) The office boy

(c) This single person is Kothamangalam Subbu

(d) public disgrace

(e) An antonym of 'covertly' is openly

(f) Kothamangalam Subbu was the No 2 at Gemini Studios.


Extract 6

(a) (iii) He couldn't realise his dreams

(b) Subbu could never have had a lead over the boy in the matter of education, especially formal education.

(c) (i) Prosperous

(d) vice

(e) Asokamitran is the narrator.

(f) The full name of Subbu is Kothamangalam Subbu

Extract 7

(a) 'Such a charitable' refers to Subbu.

(b) (iii) The one who was 'Charitable'

(c) (i) He was number 2 at Gemini studios

(d) Sycophant.

(e) spendthrift or thoughtless.

(f) An antonym of 'intimate' is distant or formal 


Extract 8

(a) (iv) The lawyer

(b) The lawyer lost his job because the story department was closed down.

(c) (ii) Asokamitran

(d) an example or a case.

(e) An antonym of 'allowed' is prohibited. (f) 'He' works in the story Department.

Ch-1 The Third Level Extracts

Ch-2 The Tiger King Extracts

Ch-3 A Journey To The End Of The Earth extracts


Ch-4 The Enemy  Extract

Ch-1 Last Lesson Extracts 


Ch-2 Lost Spring Extracts 


Ch-3 Deep Water Extracts


Ch-4 The Rattrap Extract 


Ch-5 Indigo Extracts


Ch-6 Poets And Pancakes Extracts 


Poem -1 My Mother At Sixty Six

Poem-2 Keeping Quiet Extract 


Poem-3 A Thing Of Beauty Extracts


Poetic and Pancakes 

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