The Enemy Question Answer 12th English

The Enemy  by Pearl and Buck

Question 1:

Who was Dr Sadao? Where was his house?


Dr. Sadao was a famous surgeon and scientist of Japan.He was working on a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean. He had spent eight valuable years of his youth in America to learn all that   could be learnt of surgery and medicine there.He was a sympathetic man who remained loyal to his profession even in adverse situations. He lived in his ancestral square stone house in Japan which was built upon rocks, above a narrow beach, on the Japanese coast.

Adverse- विपरीत परिस्थितियों

Tender- मदत

Ancestral- पूर्वज


 The wounded man was a prisoner of war who had escaped with a bullet on his back. Since Japan was at war with America, harbouring an enemy meant being a traitor to Japan. Dr Sadao could be arrested if anyone complained against him and accused him of harbouring an enemy.However, he did not get punished for this offence as it was never revealed to anyone, except his wife,

Harbouring- शरण देना

Accused- दोषी करार

Offense- अपराध

Revealed- उजागर किया

Q3. Will Hana help the wounded man and wash him herself?

Ans. The gardener and the cook were frightened that their master was going to heal the wound of a white man,an enemy. They felt that after being cured he (the white man) will take revenge on the Japanese. Yumi, the maid, was also frightened. She refused to wash the white man. Hana rebuked the maid who had refused to wash a wounded helpless man. Servants left the house.Hana did not want Dr Sadao to clean the dirty and unconscious prisoner.

Then she dipped a small clean towel into the steaming hot water and washed the white man’s face. She kept on washing him until his upper body was quite clean. But she dared not turn him over.

Unconscious- बेहोश 

Steaming hot water- गर्म पानी

Frightened-डर गया

rebuked -फटकार

Q4. What will Dr Sadao and his wife do with the man?

Ans. Dr Sadao and his wife, Hana, had told the servants that they only wanted to bring the man to his senses so that they could turn him over as a prisoner. However, Dr Sadao was against handing over a wounded man to the police. He decided to carry him into his house. He operated upon him and extracted the bullet from his body. He kept the white man in his house. He and his wife looked after him and fed him till he was strong enough to walk on his legs.At last Dr Sadao saved his life by sending him in his boat .

Extracted-बाहर निकालना

Fed- खिलाया

Q5. What will Dr Sadao do to get rid of the man?

Ans.Dr Sadao had told the old General that he had operated upon a white man.Dr Sadao told him each and every thing about incident. The General promised to send his private silent killer to kill the man  and remove his body. Dr Sadao  waited anxiously for three nights. Their loyal servants had left their house. His wife Hana had to cook, clean the house and serve the wounded man. Dr Sadao told Tom, the white man, that he was quite well then.He decided to save his patient one more time.

 Dr. Sadao offered him his personal boat with water bottle, food and extra clothing to the American soldier when he left his house. He then advised the soldier to go to a nearby island where no one lived and escape from there by boarding a Korean fishing boat. Dr. 

Sadao gave the man his flashlight. He was to signal twice with his flashlight at sunset in case his food ran out.  In short, Dr Sadao helped the man to escape from Japan. At the same time he also got rid of the man.



ran out-कम होने पर

Question 6

Why was Dr. Sadao not sent to the battlefield? 


Dr. Sadao was a famous surgeon and scientist of Japan. He was perfecting a discovery to make the wounds completely clean.There was another reason of keeping Sadao in Japan.Old general Takima was quite sick who could need an operation any time.Dr Sadao was treating him. So he was not sent to the battlefield as his valuable services could be needed at any time in his hometown.

battlefield- युद्ध

hometown. अपने गांव

Question 7

Why did the messenger come to Dr. Sadao? What did Hana think about it? 


On seventh day a uniformed messenger comes to Dr. Sadao to inform him that the old General was in pain again. Hana felt relieved to hear that the messenger had come only to inform Dr. Sadao about the General’s ill-health. She had earlier feared that the servants had informed the police who had sent the man in the uniform to their house to arrest Sadao.

Question 8.

How nearly had Dr. Sadao missed marrying Hana? 


Dr. Sadao had met Hana literally by chance at an American professor’s house. He actually did not want to go there as the rooms of the house were small, the food was bad and the professor’s wife was rather talkative. But moreover Sadao had gone there he had found Hana,a new student.He fell in her love.

literally- exactly बिल्कुल

Q9. What was his father's chief concern about Dr sadao?

Ans. Sadao's father was very serious about his son's future. He would never joke or play with him. His father's chief concern was his son's education. Therefore Sadao was sent to America at the age of 22 to  learn all that he could learn of surgery and medicine and he came back at the age of 30.

Chief concern- मुख्य चिंता

Q10.Why did the servants leave Dr Sadao's house ?

Ans. Doctor sadao had given  shelter to an enemy soldier. According to the servants it was an act of treason. They looked upon the Americans as their enemies since Japan and America were at war .When they found that instead of handing over the enemy soldier to the police, Dr sadao had decided to treat him. They decided to leave his house.

treason-गद्दारी /देशद्रोह

Q 11.Give brief the character sketch of general Takima .

Ans. General Takima  was an old Japanese general. He was a very cruel person. He used to beat his wife mercilessly. He also tortured the prisoners of war very  ruthlessly. He even had a private silent killer to kill anyone. He suggested doctor to send two of them to kill the American Soldier. He said that they were quite capable and could also remove the dead body of the soldier.

mercilessly-ruthlessly निर्दयता पूर्वक

Q12.There are moments in life when we have to make hard choices between our roles as private individuals and as citizens with a sense of national loyalty? Discuss with reference to the story you have just read.

Ans. Dr Sadao Hoki faces a dilemma when he finds the body of an unconscious wounded white man lying on the lonely coast with dangerous rocks near his house. His first reaction was that the person was perhaps a fisherman who had been washed from his boat. He ran quickly down the steps. His wife, Hana came behind him. Being an expert surgeon, Dr Sadao saw that the man had a gun-wound on the right side of his lower back. He at once packed the wound with sea moss to stanch the fearful bleeding. Then Sadao made another observation. If they sheltered a white man in their house.They would be arrested and if they turned him over as a prisoner, he would certainly die.  The man was a prisoner of war. Being a doctor, he decided to treat the white man.

Dilemma- संदेह

Sea moss- समुद्री छोटी-छोटी घास 

Stanch-रोक देना

Q13. Dr Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff?

Ans. Dr Sadao and his wife, Hana, together lifted the wounded man and carried him to an empty bedroom in their house. The man was very dirty. Sadao suggested that he had better be washed. He asked her to bring water.  She suggested that the maid, Yumi, could wash the man. They would have to tell the servants. Dr Sadao examined the man again and remarked that the man would die unless he was operated upon at once. He left the room to bring his surgical instruments.

The servants were not ready to help the enemy. Even Yumi refused to wash the white man.  Hana said with dignity that they only wanted to bring him to his senses so that they would turn him over as a prisoner. However, Yumi refused to have anything to do with him. Hana asked Yumi gently to return to her work.

 Though the sight of the white man was repulsive to her, she washed his face and his upper body. She prepared herself to give him the anaesthetic according to her husband’s instructions. She had never seen an operation. She choked and her face turned pale like sulphur. She felt like vomiting and left for a while. She returned after retching and administered anaesthetic to the man. Thus she co-operated with her husband fully to save the wounded man.

repulsive -आवेग पूर्ण

retching -उल्टी करना

anaesthetic -बेहोश करने वाली दवा

Q14. How would you explain the reluctance of the soldier to leave the shelter of the doctor’s home even when he knew he couldn’t stay there without risk to the doctor and himself?

Ans. On the third day after the operation, the young man asked Dr Sadao what he was going to do with him and if he was going to hand him over to the police. Dr Sadao said that he did not know himself what he would do with the man. He ought to hand him over to the police as he was a prisoner of war.

The young man saw that Dr Sadao and his wife Hana were different from other Japanese. They spoke English well, looked after him and served him food.. Dr Sadao told everything to general about the American Soldier. General promised to send his personal assassins to kill the man and remove his body. Dr Sadao waited for three nights. Nothing happened. Then he made a plan to let the prisoner escape. He told Tom, the young American, about it. The young man stared at him and asked if he had to leave. It seemed he was reluctant to leave. Dr Sadao told him that he should understand everything clearly. It was not hidden that he was there and this situation was full of risk for himself as well as for the doctor and his family. When American Soldier came to know about Sadao's situation, he decided to leave country.

assassins -हत्यारे

reluctant -बिना इच्छा के

Q15. While hatred against a member of the enemy race is justifiable, especially during wartime, what makes a human being rise above narrow prejudices?

Ans.  Nations go to war against one another. During the war time the national leaders make propaganda against the people of other Nations. At that time we may feel enemity with other people. But we should never forget that we are all human beings. Nations may hate each other but people do not hate one another simply because they belong  to different countries. When a person is faced a the situation where he can save another person's life  he generally acts on humanitarian grounds that is what doctor did.  He saved the life of an American Soldier although at that time Japan and American were at war.

humanitarian -मानव कल्याणकारी 



        By CL GAUTAM

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